News, Commentary and Opinions in New Britain CT and Our Nation
49% of Connecticut Residents Want "OUT OF HERE" Thanks To Democrats Destroying This State With High Taxes/Anti-Business Atmosphere!
I guess that means that the only people who want to stay here are the 51% who don't work or pay taxes and live free off those who do.
Why do you think that Danno's budget is collapsing? Could it be from the max exodus fleeing his communist utopia?
could it be Despot Dan's gun ban that has people fleeing to free states where the Second Amendment is protected?
CT is circling the drain
just keep voting for those same democrats that are destroying this once great state!
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Online Florist
I guess that means that the only people who want to stay here are the 51% who don't work or pay taxes and live free off those who do.
Why do you think that Danno's budget is collapsing? Could it be from the max exodus fleeing his communist utopia?
could it be Despot Dan's gun ban that has people fleeing to free states where the Second Amendment is protected?
CT is circling the drain
just keep voting for those same democrats that are destroying this once great state!
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