Tuesday, June 3, 2014

City Officials: Rock Cats Will Sign 25-Year Lease If Hartford Builds Stadium - Courant.com



Anonymous said...

so much for Erin going on TV and proclaiming that this was a false rumor!

Anonymous said...

The people of New Britain may now have a reason to actually use the empty busway so they can go to a game in beautiful Hartford.

Anonymous said...

The mayor should have taken this rumor seriously. Jobs, lots of jobs are going to be lost and in the end, there is no evidence yet that she went to bat for the people of NB.

Anonymous said...

read the article this happened 17 months ago without her knowledge she wasn't even mayor, jesus christ its not erins fault everyone who thinks it is truly needs to have a mental evaluation

Anonymous said...

Why are our State Rep (Rick Lopes) or State Senator (Terry G) not stepping up to the plate for the City on this ? And doesnt sneaky Phil Sherwood have a connection to the Hartford Mayors office ????

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