Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Puget Sound Business Journal: “Nearly half of insurance brokers polled nationally have considered leaving the industry in the wake of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) – meanwhile, employers say they need them more than ever before, according to a report by Aflac. A potential exodus of brokers could make it more difficult for large and small businesses to lose that expertise just as things are getting really complicated. Brokers help companies give employees the best and most affordable coverage and insure they comply with the complexities of the ACA….Brokers have only seen their jobs get more difficult since the dawn of the Affordable Care Act. They're under pressure to deliver employers low-cost health care, but that can be increasingly difficult. Others fear losing customers to public and private health exchanges. And when brokers look elsewhere for work they take their expertise with them. Many had previously expressed concern that the introduction of the health exchanges would take business away from them.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is all intentionally done by the Democrats to topple what was the best health care system in the world and force us into government run health care like Canada and Britain where the government literally controls who lives and who dies. With these Democrats I can see a day where you can only get needed care if you are a Democrat and Republicans will be left on the side of the road to die in misery for not worshiping communism.

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