Monday, July 7, 2014

To the Editor/ By: Alderman Don Naples

The editorial, “Money Management 101,” that appeared in the June 27 Herald does a disservice to city leaders, especially Mayor Erin Stewart. While the Herald shakes its head and wonders “where have all the leaders gone?” the mayor, her staff and city department heads have been working tirelessly to get New Britain’s finances and major projects back on track.

While not pointing “fingers of responsibility at any one politician or party,” the editorial laments a two-year delay in the Costco project, and the loss of $904,416 in federal grant funds due to two years of failure to commit a total of $1.2 million to a specific project. It’s obvious to everyone but the Herald editors where the problem was. The O’Brien Administration’s decision to abolish the Department of Municipal Development left the city without anyone to administer federal grant funds and the projects that they created. This was a disaster for our city and we are paying the price for it.

One of Mayor Stewart’s first acts following her election in November was to restore the Municipal Development Department. This was not an easy task, given the city’s recent extensive reorganization and the financial crisis at that time. After some initial squabbling about over-extended bonding (which threatened the city’s credit rating) Common Council members from both sides have been working together with a few exceptions to grapple with a broad range of issues facing New Britain. Much of the preparatory work is done in council committees, before resolutions are presented to the full council for a vote.

These committee meetings draw little attention from the press or the public.

It’s easy to take pot shots from afar. The editorial says “the city and its leaders must up their game”. My response: Up yours by reporting what is actually happening — good as well as bad — instead of making controversial statements in a vacuum. Only then will you recognize the strong leadership that is right under your noses.

Don Naples


New Britain



Anonymous said...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "To the Editor/ By: Alderman Don Naples":

What do you expect from a fly by night rag of a newspaper operating out of a rented room?

I guess their finances were such that they couldn't keep the newspaper building on what used to be Herald Square.
Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones at others.

Anonymous said...

Good for you Don!

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