Thursday, October 9, 2014

Congratualtions New Britain: You're in 3rd Place!


The tax rates have now been set for towns and cities across Connecticut and New Britain is in 3rd place with the 3rd highest taxes in the state! 

New Britain's mill rate of 49.0 is below that of only 2 other cities:  Hartford is in first place at 74.29 and Waterbury is in second place at 58.22!

The natural thing to do would be to blame Mayor Erin Stewart for this horrific placing of having one of the highest tax rates in the state, but it is simply not her fault.  This high tax rate is the direct result of the wild and out of control spending of the former mayor, Tim O'Brien.  It doesn't take long for things like $100,000 consulting fee to one of Governor Malloy's former staff members, tens of thousands for a contract to a former state representative with no specific known duties or responsibilities to fulfill for the lucrative payments, or a $45,000 a year paid agitator called a "community organizer" in the mayor's office to add up and require higher taxes to pay for all that wild spending for cronies of the former mayor. 
Mayor Stewart inherited this mess and now the rest of us must pay for the previous 2 years of gross mismanagement in city hall. 


Anonymous said...

I see the local communist cell has nothing to say about this story which means you must be hitting way too close to home!

Anonymous said...

I see the local communist cell has nothing to say about this story which means you must be hitting way too close to home!

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