I have
written, in the past, regarding the new rates at the city’s parking meters and garages of two
dollars per hour and three dollars per hour at the court house area.
The mayor has always stated that fair
and balance will be addressed to all residents.
Is this why Broad Street area is not included to have meters?
Is this fare and balance promised by our mayor
for all the citizens of our city to apply in all areas of our city?
discussing this unfair approach with a city Alderman he quickly stated that the
lawyers can afford the parking rates by the court house.
This of course explains the mind set by our membership
of the common council, showing the disregard for the person that was served a
summons to appear in court, who could not pay the applicable fine and placed
under arrest. Without mentioning that his/her car also being towed away while
being incarcerated.
I personally
applaud the only council member, Michael Trueworthy, who voted against this
issue with his seeing the adversity as being anti-business friendly.
Most of the people parking in the garage at the court house are simply citizens needing to appear in court whether it be for a traffic ticket, a criminal arrest, or a civil case like a divorce or even small claims court. By making the fees for this one area higher, I agree with you that the mayor is singling out one group, mostly the lower class, to punish with the higher rates, and why do they not have meters on Broad Street when they have them everywhere else? What special class is the Polish neighborhood? The city didn't seem to care about the Puerto Rican neighborhoods when they put meters in front of their buildings. Why are the Polish neighborhoods such a protected class?
I know for a fact that the issue about not having meters on Broad Street has been a long ongoing discussing of what has been described as disparity of treatment one group of citizens vs. others! I am a tax and my position is this": Everyone in the city whether that is Polish or not should have to pay for parking alike everyone else! The same thing applies to the New Britain Herald, printing a paper have English and half Polish and nothing in Spanish! I like Polish People but what is fair is fair, so start putting up those meters at Broad Street now!
Doesn't the city maintain a free municipal parking lot on Broad Street near the corner of Washington Street?
The city provides a free lot on Broad Street, but if you drive a few blocks down Washington Street and want to park downtown or even at City Hall to pay your taxes, then you have to pay by the hour.
Do the people of Broad Street have pictures of the mayor or some other high ranking official in a compromising position or something? Why are they so special?
the biggest issue with adding meters on Broad Street right now is the cost- it isn't cheap.....
if meters cost money, then why do we even have them?
Isn't the big difference between Broad Street and the rest of the city where the meters are all over the place that the people on Broad Street are all white?
Four of the five comments on this article are beneath contempt. Shame on you for printing them, especially #3 and #5.
Washington St. and lower Broad St. were redone long before Erin Stewart became Mayor. If any commenters really want to know why parking meters are not on BRoad St., ask the City Property Manager. Also when did any of you "brave" anonymous commenters go the the Mayor's Office and request parking meters? When do you do anything besides making stupid comments anonymously?
And Frank, pandering is not your best suit . Trueworthy, really?
Louie, Frank is doing absolutely nothing wrong.
Now go and change your Depends and get back to reading Robin Vinci’s rag. Say hello to Sammy Zherka next time you go visit him.
Right Louie, you can add this comment to your ‘beneath contempt’ list -- it would be an honor.
If the city loses money on parking meters, then what benefit is there to installing them other than to inconvenience the public. If they really lose money on them, why don't we just remove every last one of them?
I guess Landslide Lou really told you!!
Lou better be careful. If he loses Frank's vote, next time he might only win by 3 votes!
When Tim O'Brien was mayor, Robin Vinci's paper was supposed to be the one paper that held city hall accountable. Now that we have a question of one neighborhood getting preferential treatment over the rest of the city, where is the Journal to ask why?
Any body knows who runs the City? Well let me tell you": Margaret Malinowski and Erin's father Tim Stewart, and they get their orders from thug Zerhka! He says, that he may be willing to talk about what happened in the last election if he would only get a little time off from the thirty years in jail!
Lou Salvio said...
Washington St. and lower Broad St. were redone long before Erin Stewart became Mayor......
It sounds like what he is saying is that it is Tim Stewart's fault as it seems to day back to when he was mayor!
Wasn't Broad Street redone while Stewart the old man was in office?
I used to be a customer of a photographer on Main Street. It was a real hassle to find parking and then I had to pump a meter full of coins which I sometimes didn't have, so I had to run and find change before I got a ticket and none of the businesses on Main Street will give you change for the meter unless you are doing business with them. It was difficult for me to try and get change from the photographer because there were about a thousand stairs to walk up to his store.
Problem solved. I now use a photographer in Plainville to do all of my commercial work and guess what? I get to park for free right in the parking lot by their building, so there is no need to run around and look for coins for a parking meter!
Providing no cost public parking helps business which leads to increased tax revenues.
Charging a fee for public parking hurts business which leads to a decline in tax revenues.
Charging an exorbitant fee for public parking kills business which leads to no tax revenue.
Many people worked extremely hard to remove Mayor O'Brien because they didn't like the way he gave preferential treatment to a chosen few and treated those he didn't like unjustly.
It's disheartening to observe our new mayor doing the same thing.
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