In today’s Herald
14 Alderman praised Our Mayor’s first year in Office with their own way of
citing their thoughts but, the fifteenth Alderman David DeFronzo, had nothing
but blame by attacking Mayor Erin with the 11 percent tax increase, with the
Rock Cats move to Hartford and the ongoing homeless problem downtown.
This first “Salvo”
by the Alderman must be his first announcement for his intention to run for
But, he has
a short memory of the fact that he was in office that approved the adverse O’Brien
budget with imaginary proposed budget with anticipated income that never materialized. He also shows his lapse of memory that the
Mayor did provide living quarters for our city’s homeless during the winter
I recall Her
father, a former Mayor, claiming that the homeless do not want to reside
anywhere other than under a bridge overpass.
David, you
with Aldermen Trueworthy and Platosz voted for the State takeover of the City
Finances the following day shows how well your threesome represented our
taxpayers’ interest.
Stop picking
on Erin’s ability to run the city when we have seen your inability, along with
your cohorts, on how to not have our city operated.
Because his father is a wheel with the state and a former Mayor Dave thinks he should mayor but does not have the smarts to handle the job
Anonymous said...
Because his father is a wheel with the state and a former Mayor Dave thinks he should mayor but does not have the smarts to handle the job ..
Does he even have the smarts to be a good gym teacher?
Typical liberals trying to blame their own failures on the current mayor when the tax increase was needed to fix the enormous budget deficit left by O'Brien and his minions (especially DeFronzo) on the council.
So let's see, with Dave " I better make dad like me " DeFronzo, and Mike " I better do what the DeFronzos tell me" Trueworhy talking crap, yet it's THIER fault the taxes went up and the Rock Cats left. And dumb dumb Adam P isn't even smart enough to speak unless he was told what to say. Or is it because he has done nothing but talk about the Mayor behind her back ( even at church) and isn't honest enough to say his lies in public in print ? You people are clowns.
as far as Adam, does anyone on here think he could muster up enough brain power to know enough to come in from the rain without being told to?
Hey Frank-o your Blog sucks! Why you only post Obama, Democrats hate speech. The only people that seems to be always un-happy are the Republicans. This Mayor has done nothing other than to raise 11%my Taxes and brought us an embarrassment by hanging around promoting thug" SAM ZERHKA and catering to his needs knowing that he was not a good person. How much money did he gave to twist the message in favor of Republicans? You will not be able to silent our voices first amendment forgot! Or it doesn't apply when it has to do you. I will soon start my own Blog.
Anonymous Number 6:
It's obvious from your unsuccessful attempt at writing coherently that you are one of the Dems that would not comment on the Herald article. Please, go back to school.
@ Frank
Your text is difficult to read.
Looks like #6 just might be Dave " Im only a tough guy when throwing stones at your back" DeFronzo. Just face it, the city got sick of NO'Briens lies, corruption and failure. Lets see if you go from the high vote getter to the lowest this coming year pal.
Heres the deal KID, the city say his failure last year, and next year they will see you were right by his side supporting and pushing for it. You cant hide for that.
Maybe you (and Mike) could take the advice Mike gave to Erin, Hang up your hat, and just walk away instead of getting on the ballot in 2015.
To commenter # 6 I wish to thank you for being one of my readers and wish you success with your new blob.
I guess number 6 is quite unhappy that the Republican Party is the majority party in America. Republicans hold the largest majority in the house in all time history and are the major party in the Senate. Republicans also run the majority of the states with 33 states now having Republican governors. Even in Connecticut the legislature picked up 10 Republican seats with the Republicans being only a few seats away from reaching the majority in the Connecticut legislature.
It would appear to me that your reader is upset that across America the people are pushing back against communist Democrats and their efforts to destroy America from within.
Oh, I forgot, more than 3/4 of all mayors and first selectmen in Connecticut are also Republicans, so the overwhelming majority of Connecticut towns are also run by REPUBLICANS!
Anonymous Number 6:
It's obvious from your unsuccessful attempt at writing coherently that you are one of the Dems that would not comment on the Herald article. Please, go back to school.
Hey Dave, looks like you might start counting your days in office, as they look to be numbered . Upside is that you will have more time to blow your big bad gym whistle at 8 year olds. Maybe your tough enough to boss them around. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Adam, Michael and David wanted to turn the city's finances over to the State and they are thinking of running for mayor///////
A whistle and a pair of sweats and you now make about 90K for working 9 months out of the year!
Didn't we just finished whipping your A@ses just last week? That must it hurt a lot I saw some of the pictures and some of you looked disgusting. Perhaps that is the reason why you are all so angry. Hey, I didn't raised your taxes 11% I am sorry I lied. I also still want to sell the Water Department, and I am planning to waste some more money of Tax Payers money by hiring an outside Attorney so that I can harassed another member of the Democratic Party. Eventually I will try to remove all of them so that I can pick so more of Republican friends.
Based on the illiterate ramblings in this post on November 13, 2014 at 7:23 PM- I'd say Conseulo found a new anonymous message board under which to talk his/her smack. Too scared to post on the herald now?
Anonymous said...
Based on the illiterate ramblings in this post on November 13, 2014 at 7:23 PM- I'd say Conseulo found a new anonymous message board under which to talk his/her smack. Too scared to post on the herald now?
November 14, 2014 at 1:29 PM
Clearly an honor graduate from an inferior public school run by union teachers. If only the Democrats had allowed school choice that would have allowed attendance at a superior private school!
So what if she puts parking meters only in the minority neighborhoods!
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Mayor Stewart's First Year":
So what if she puts parking meters only in the minority neighborhoods!
Why are the polish on Broad street treated as a preferred area in town while the Hispanics are force to pay the meter rates that is not the fare and balance the mayor had promise all citizens of our great city
Weren't the parking meters put in by the former Mayor Stewart?
Stewart #1 like in Bush #1 and Bush #2
The only thing I remember about her father was an endless story that was in the papers for what seemed like eternity about how he spent taxpayer money for cameras to watch ducks poop, or something like that.
What's better then that story, is the fact that Dave DeFronzo voted for a budget with fake revenue in it and said it was the best they city ever had. Or the time he said that chick was paid by a grant when he knew it was paid by the mayors office ( O'Brien) for $50,000 per year as a payback favor. Good ole Dave. Tall on tales
A duck poop fetish???
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