Saturday, December 13, 2014

Commissioner Donald DeFronzo retiring.

With Commissioner Don DeFronzo retiring from his state commissioners position with the State of Ct.    He will now have time to manage his son’s campaign for the mayoral ship during the city’s next election cycle.



Anonymous said...

DeFronzo did a great job at least tripling his state pension. He spent many of his years as a state employee on full time paid leave to run the union, then became mayor of New Britain for 4 years while still being able to earn retirement credit for the years he was mayor and running the union. His best 3 years for his pension calculation will now be based on his $159,000 salary as commissioner. Who says public service doesn't pay?

Anonymous said...

That means he will get a fat check ( on top of all the others) for doing nothing.

Anonymous said...

Dirty Don gets more then $159,000 per year.

Anonymous said...

His son, an elementary school gym teacher?? What happened to experience? Wasn't he against Costco and ran Walmart out of town? Who needs him?

Anonymous said...

Hey Frank": Did the Police just arrested a NB school Member and a Republican on drunk driving charges? How about posting that story this morning? I hope he resigns from the school board not a good example for our children or at least that would have been what you and your friends would have said if he was a Democrat? right?

Anonymous said...

The difference is that the Republican will probably have the decency to resign on his own while a Democrat would declare he owns that seat for life and proclaim there is nothing you can do to ever get him out of office.

Anonymous said...

Trueworthy did not resign. Why should this guy? We all make mistakes. Trueworth's mistakes were worse in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Trueworthy did not resign. Why should this guy? We all make mistakes. Trueworth's mistakes were worse in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

DeFronzo must have run out of made up jobs for his friends, so he must have thought his job was done.

Anonymous said...

If I were that school board member, I would announce that I would resign the day Trueworthy does, until then, the liberals screaming for his resignation could go blank them selves.

Anonymous said...

Rumors abound in DTC circles that Dave DeFronzo is NOT interesting in running for mayor this time round. His father Donald DeFronzo has told some town committee members that he has not ruled out running for mayor again.

Anonymous said...

I will vote for anyone other than the thing we have right now; all we got from her area bunch of lies by getting elected by running around complaining about high taxes than turning around and increase our taxes 11%, attempting to sell the Water Department by more lies, Vetoing all Social Programs, Forcing Latinos out from their jobs at City Hall.

Anonymous said...

The last 2 posts are clearly from someone who attended an inferior union run public school for if said person had been given the freedom of choice to attend a private school under a voucher system, one would expect he/she to be capable of writing a coherent sentence.

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