Saturday, January 10, 2015

A letter that was published in the Courant in 2002 tells the entire story of Mr. DeFronzo's refusal to serve his country:

May 07, 2002

Veterans Should

Vote In Primary

I am writing to remind all veterans of how important this upcoming Democratic primary election (New Britain-Berlin) is regarding veterans' issues and support of veteran affairs.

The Democrats have two individuals running for the office of state senator and I believe their military background is very important to all veterans and military personnel both state and federal.

Tom Bozek has served his military obligation and as state senator has supported all state veterans' issues. Meanwhile, we have Don DeFronzo who, at the time of induction, conveniently became a conscientious objector to avoid his military obligation.

Now I ask the question of anybody who served his or her country, who do you want to represent you? Bozek gets in the trenches, DeFronzo watches from the sidewalk while grandparents, mothers and fathers wave goodbye to their children going to fight the war against terrorism.

The answer is clear and I do not mean to deface anybody; the military must remain strong and all veterans and military personnel are faced with the decision to vote for the right person in the Democratic primary on May 21. This is our obligation. This is what we fought for.

Dominic DeMarco, Kensington
January 10, 2015 at 12:55 PM


Anonymous said...

I remember a veteran's day parade when DeFronzo was mayor and I saw the veteran's turn their backs towards him as he passed in the parade.

Anonymous said...

He was sent to Hartford Hospital to serve for two years by a judge. That is why they refer to him as the bed pan commando.

Anonymous said...

Son like father I guess. Or should I say "The turd doesnt fall far from the bedpan"

Anonymous said...

ROFL at the reference to turds!

Anonymous said...

how else can you refer to a couple of turds?

Anonymous said...

Come on now, don't call the DeFronzos turds, that's insulting to turds across the world. And that's a shity thing to do.

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