Thursday, September 18, 2008

Past claims to be a "good Democrat"

Former Senator Bozek Ran on the Republican ticket some years ago claiming to be a “good Democrat” but lost that election to Senator Donald DeFronzo.

The mockery of his claim that he was still a “good Democrat” has caused many scars to the concept of party unity.

He subsequently decided to run as an unaffiliated party candidate for an at large seat on the New Britain City Council and lost again.

Now he is currently the endorsed Republican candidate for the state senatorial district 6 against our current Senator Donald DeFronzo.

How many bites of the apple will it take for Mr. Thomas Bozek to recognize that the electorate is completely inadvertent to his adverse verbiage?

Will he attempt to claim that he is still is a "good Democrat" while running his current Republican Campainge?

I certainly hope and trust that the electorate will not accept his "bull mess" this time around.


Anonymous said...

don't worry Mr. Smtih, he doesn't make it this time, he can always run for dog cather!

from the West End

Anonymous said...

He is sick if he attempts to imply to be a good democrat again.

from Berlin

Anonymous said...

A good democrat? he is smoking the wrong stuff.

Anonymous said...

Bozek sounds like a bigger crackpot than that wacky councilman you've been reporting on.

Anonymous said...

How many times does this guy need to have his hat handed to him before he gets the message?

from the North side of towm

Anonymous said...

This is the second time the so-called "Good Democrat" swore an allegiance to the Republican Party.
Isn't it about time that Democratic Town Chairman McNamara consider removing Bozek from the committee or at least censuring him?

Mr. McNamara could take example from the national committee who had no problem publicly removing a convention delegate for showing an allegiance to the wrong DEMOCRATIC candidate, so what should the appropriate punishment be for publicly showing an allegiance to the enemy camp while working to unseat the endorsed candidate of your own party? Certainly he doesn't deserve to be rewarded for his actions.

"Republicrat" is too kind a word to describe Mr. Bozek. I can think of many more appropriate verbs to describe him, but none fit to print in an open forum.

Hopefully this will act as a wake up call for Mr. McNamara to realize that the voters are in fact paying attention.

As for Mr. Smith, please keep up the good work. You are performing an important community function by keeping the rest of us informed on the current events.

a very disillusioned voter!

Anonymous said...

To the guy who suggested that Tom will run for Dog Catcher, please, please, please don't do that to our dogs!!!!!

Our pets deserve better!


Anonymous said...

Looks like he is expecting the party lever to take him into office along with McCain and Palin. Might just work since the Republican ticket is gaining such exciting momentum.

Anonymous said...

i wouldn't vote for him no matter what he calls himself

Anonymous said...

you can put lipstick on a pig, but it is still a pig!

Anonymous said...

didn't your Republican buddies already fix it so you could get one retirement? Sounds like you are just looking for another retirement check.

Anonymous said...

as a good democrat, he would have to endorse Obama, wouldn't he?

Anonymous said...

You should do your homework, Mr. Smith! Tom Bozek was fighting to keep his state insurance benefits, not the pension everyone thinks he was after!!!
I remember seeing you lurking in the background at the Pulaski Club watching who was coming and going the first time he was opposed by Donald DiFronzo. Were you spying for the esteemed John MacNamara?

Anonymous said...

Anne, doesn't he get free insurance for the rest of his life from one of the many other places he receives a pension from?

How about a reality check here! How many voters in this district are fortunate enough to get one pension, never mind 4, plus who knows how many health insurance plans, all at taxpayer expense?

Anonymous said...

I remember reading all the articles about Bozek when the Republicans made him a job, and as I recall the articles, there were many, many, many pensions from other employers.

How's that Anne Oakley?

Lois Lane

Anonymous said...

He calls himself a Good Democrat.

Who is he kidding? Himself?

Anonymous said...

He will never be a good democrat

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