Friday, January 23, 2009

City’s fence letter angers aldermen - The New Britain Herald (

City’s fence letter angers aldermen - The New Britain Herald (


Anonymous said...

“Unfortunately we will have to go to the state to force the city to be more forthcoming with this public information,” said alderman Phil Sherwood, referring to a freedom of information request he, Greg Gerratana and Larry Hermanowski plan to submit.

Phil Sherwood is quick to speak out about this, but where is he when the misconduct involves two high ranking members of his own party: Catzanaro and Trueworthy. When they are involved in unethical behavior, Phony Phil is nowhere to be found. Clearly he is only in favor of ethical behavior of Republicans, and the Democrats are free to violate the law with inpunity.

Frank Smith said...

This cemetery fence story has been discussed on many occasions on this blog but with the restrictions caused by the legal issue pending in the courts I am limited to say what I really would like to expound.

frank smith

Anonymous said...

Frank, let it rip.

The City Council went with the lowest bidder. Not all lower bidders are crooks. I believe a New Britain fencing company was the second lowest bidder. This company is well known for its quality, service and competitive prices. The company is New Britain Fence owned by Willie Pabon. Imagine the political firestorm the Democrats would have throw Mayor Stewart's way if Pabon was selected over the "cheapest" vendor?

The City would have had a local vendor do the job. The job would have been completed to the City's specs on time and within budget but the Democrats would have pounced on Pabon due to him running with Mayor Stewart.

Frank, can you publish the letter that Atty Bizzarro wrote? Guiness did not "report" on the contents. I think Bizzarro is a young, competent professional attorney that is extremely ethical in his duties. If he truly researched the matter and published his findings they must be accurate. What "other" issues are there? An unscrupulous business hosed the City and the City is now seeking financial relief.

Frank, can you also report on the Ethics Commission findings. I could not believe Guiness did not quote ONE Ethics Commissioner in the story. Not one. This was the group that passed judgment on an elected official and the only "quotes" we get are from the Council Democrats? Isn't this commission chaired by DEMOCRATIC ex-Mayor Bill McNamara?

Where is the journalism?

Anonymous said...

Rick Guinness can be reached at or by calling (860) 225-4601, ext. 236

Not today he can't, today you will have to go to Superior Court in Hartford if you want to find him!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous says:

This "fence issue" has been used by Sherwack and company (including Oak St. NRZ folks) many times now, WHY? It an issue that Philthy Phil and his friends can use to try to embarrass the City/Central Administration. To what end? Council "know it all", Gerratona says it is crazy to think that a jusge would throw this out of court because of newspaper stories. THese council puppets keep saying that the answers they are getting are incomplete. Ask any one of them, what would constitute COMPLETE? They don't know, they just want have the press (Guinness) keep their sleazy comments printed. One can only hope the new owner of the Herald will put an end to this situation.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Frank, let it rip.

The City Council went with the lowest bidder. Not all lower bidders are crooks. I believe a New Britain fencing company was the second lowest bidder. This company is well known for its quality, service and competitive prices. The company is New Britain Fence owned by Willie Pabon. Imagine the political firestorm the Democrats would have throw Mayor Stewart's way if Pabon was selected over the "cheapest" vendor?

Anonymous, you got that right!! New Britain Fence put the fencing up surrounding Pinnacle Heights in summer of 2007, and is still standing, safe and sound. Very often, owner Willie Pabon was right out there working side by side with his employees, in the heat of summer. Great job, Willie.

Anonymous said...

The dumbfoundedness of some on the City Council continues.

First two alderman cannot understand or rationalize the HUD sanctions against them or how to resolve their conflict of interest.

Second several alderman cannot understand a 5-0 ethics violation against one of their own and again SOLVE the problem.

Third the freshman aldermen cannot understand why a JUDGE threw out the City claim of harm against the fence contractor AFTER these same aldermen continually bashed the City in the press.

November can't get here soon enough!

Anonymous said...

Third the freshman aldermen cannot understand why a JUDGE threw out the City claim of harm against the fence contractor AFTER these same aldermen continually bashed the City in the press.

***The freshman liberals on the council keep trying to push the prosecutor to arrest the fence contractor for what amounts to a civil claim, a civil claim that the judge in civil court apparently rejected. So when the judge threw them out of civil court, what do these lunatics do, they attempt to drag a state's attorney into their web of deceict by trying to get him to arrest the contractor. The state's attorney did his job by reviewing the case and rightfully concluding that it is a civil matter and no crime had been committed, so what do they do then, they get their mouthpiece at the Herald to write a one-side looney article attacking the prosecutor for not doing what they wanted. The prosecutor should be commended for seeing through the politcal B.S these guys were spreading, and this is just another example of why the public is so fed up with the New Britain Herald.

Anonymous said...

Parks and Recreation Department workers are likely to finish the job when the weather breaks---was Catanzaro looking for some overtime?????????

Anonymous said...

The big question remains unanswered
The fairview fence was an historical artifact dating back to
1850.In the original RFQ for the new fence there is a section that calls out for the bad pieces to be
disposed of according to state and federal guidelines.Some of the good pieces the city kept.The part that they are trying to cover up is that condition should not have been part of the bid,This antique fence c1850 is worth a lot of money
to antique fence dealers,

Anonymous said...

This antique fence c1850 is worth a lot of money
to antique fence dealers,


Anonymous said...


Guinness has nothing to say because he hitched his wagon to Sherwack and company. Here's one for you rick : find out what the letter was all about that the Mayor sent to all Council members - do you dare do this without asking Sherwack's permission. You are nothing but a sad case Rick. Sherwack will throw you under the bus as soon as he knows you are no longer of any use to him. Then again, ask Gerratona about the letter. Greg G. thinks he knows everything. He's got a lot to learn. Maybe his aunt (Bielinski) can teach him.

Anonymous said...

I could not believe Guiness did not quote ONE Ethics Commissioner in the story.

I wouldn't believe what Rick Guiness reported about the commission, even if he did write something, because he would put Sherwack's spin on it. I stopped reading the New Britian Herald a long time ago, because with Rick Guinness controlling the news for New Britain, it has become nothing more than the propaganda ministry for Phony Phil Sherwack.

Bill O'Reilly and Shawn Haniity constantly report on how journalism is dead in America. One thing is certain, with Sherwack's mouthpiece Rick Guinness at the helm of the New Britain beat, journalism died a long time ago in New Britain.

Anonymous said...

Greg G. thinks he knows everything. He's got a lot to learn. Maybe his aunt (Bielinski) can teach him.

Good grief! Don't even suggest that Bielenski teach Gregg Gerratana the ropes!! He'd be better off having his mother, Terry Gerratana guide least she isn't full of herself like Greg's aunt, droning on and on like she does, not to mention her falling all over Michael Trueworthy the way she does!!

Anonymous said...

Is it true that former Mayor William MacNamara (Big Mac) doesn't talk to Rick Guinness?

Anonymous said...

It's true, Billy Mac wont talk to Rick Guinness,because Saundra Mac is a slumlord!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Is it true that former Mayor William MacNamara (Big Mac) doesn't talk to Rick Guinness?

I wouldn't blame him for not talking to Guinness. He obviously knows that anything Guinness publishes will have Phony Phil Sherwack's spin put on it.

Anonymous said...

Boy, do we need a "no spin zone" in New Britian!

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