Congratulations are in order for Alderman Catanzaro since I have recently received information that because of his continued conflicts organizations are leaving the umbrella of the HRA offers them because their expected funding from the HUD agency is still frozen and not available for their current use.
Yes Alderman your continued conflicts with the complete disregard of the voter’s wishes may affect your planned campaign this coming November, as rumors have it, for your campaign to become the city’s mayor.
If you should become mayor of this city will your continued conflicts multiply?
hey franky, wait till the council passes this ethics code change the paper has reported...don't be surprised if you see ethical issues arise at the top of the food chain in new britain...issues so large chief state attorney office may have to get involved.
Like what you idiot. All you liberals do is try to create a sense of corruption in this administration. Take a good long look in the mirror before you condemn others anonymously because of your cowardness. Keep up the good work Frank and start looking at some of the city union contracts and the hemorraging its causing to the city's budget.
Anonymous said...
hey franky, wait till the council passes this ethics code change the paper has reported...don't be surprised if you see ethical issues arise at the top of the food chain in new britain...issues so large chief state attorney office may have to get involved.
Why isn't the state's attorney or the attorney general's office involved now? It sounds like some of the stuff this guy has been getting away with should be investigated by the state, or even the feds?
New Britan=political corruption at its best. Obama would be proud of you Dumbocrats.
WASHINGTON - When congressional leaders began to assemble the mammoth Economic Stimulus Bill, top Democrats and the Obama administration decided that there would be no earmarks: no "special projects," no pork-barrel spending.
In so doing, they gave up some control over how the money is spent, leaving the decision to public servants (Elected and Appointed Officials)around the country plus Cities and Towns like New Britain CT.
Someone has to decide how money gets spent. It's either going to be Congress or the executive branch or states or municipalities," says Fred Wertheimer of the congressional watchdog group Democracy 21.
Lawmakers had good reasons for stripping earmarks from the bill, Wertheimer says, because they are simply going to become huge targets for attacking the credibility of the package, and they may very well end up as abusive earmarks.
It was a wise political decision, he says. But pulling earmarks out of the bill changes the balance of power in the government. If members of Congress aren't writing into the bill how the money will be spent, then someone else must make those decisions — or, in this case, a lot of people on local level.
Because there is so much money here, and in so many different forms, there is no single pathway for the money to go out to states and localities," says Sarah Binder of the Brookings Institution.
Maybe these groups should start telling their clients: we would love to help you, but because of Catanzaro, we didn't get our federal funds, so there is no money available to help you. That way they can thank Catanzaro for costing them their badly needed assistance.
One of The New Britain Blogger Website NBGrrrrL has been removed...WHY? What Happen?
The blog at NBGrrrrL.blogspot.com has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.
Mayor Tim Stewart has done more to generate new businesses and economic development in New Britain in his last 4 years than previous mayors. He does this despite the council road blocks.
FYI, I am not related to mayor or a personal friend either - just a lifelong concerned New Britain Taxpayer that pays attention to whats going on in NB Chairman John McNamara's plantation - when will Mr.McNamara finish his new website that is under construction - New Britain Democrat...
Too bad the nbgrrrl webpage has been discontinued. She brought things out in the open just like Frank Smith. I hope she reconsiders and comes back.
What a clown. To think he is so stupid to not realize he is the laughing stock of the city. I'll bet Tim Stewart laughs to think that this is the best the Dumbocrats can come up with for a challenger.
I know I laugh every time I read that crap about the big threat to Tim Stewart because of all the Democrats in town. You mean to tell me that these Democrats weren't the same ones that kept reelecting Tim in the landslides that he keeps getting elected in?
Even Democrats know where to turn for leadership, and it certainly isn't to one of those dim wits on the council. I still say that you could put all 13 of those mushrooms together and would still be short on one brain.
These guys make the scandals in Obama's 2 week old administration seem like child's play compared to the wild conflicts of interest that exist here in New Britain. Obama should be vetting Catanzaro for Secretary of Pork, we all know he shovels enough of it into his fat mouth during his multiple lunches.
this guy is nothing but a major sleazeball getting fat by bleading the taxpayers like a leech
Dear Mr. Chaponis: Good comment on the Democratic Town Chair and his plantation. I hear McNamara is waiting for the federal stimulus package to pass so he can get the funds to finish his web site.
Isn't he one of the biggest free spending liberal we have in town?
Dear Mr. Chaponis: Good comment on the Democratic Town Chair and his plantation. I hear McNamara is waiting for the federal stimulus package to pass so he can get the funds to finish his web site.
Isn't he one of the biggest free spending liberal we have in town?
I'm not Mr. Chaponis, but I wonder if John MacNamara is resurrecting his Democratic Town Committee webpage so he can add to his "Wall of Shame", or will he be using it as a campaign sight for Mr. Catanzaro. There are at least 3 names he can use to add to the Wall of Shame. It won't take a rocket scientist to figure out who those 3 are.
I wonder if John MacNamara is resurrecting his Democratic Town Committee webpage so he can add to his "Wall of Shame", or will he be using it as a campaign sight for Mr. Catanzaro. There are at least 3 names he can use to add to the Wall of Shame. It won't take a rocket scientist to figure out who those 3 are.
Word on the Dem Town Comitee is that Catanzaro will run for Mayor. MacNamara is losing his grip. Clowns indeed
Go to the Town Clerk's Office and check the agenda for 2/11/09 Common Council Meeting. The City's Ethics Commission has issued its report on Catanzero and his ethics shenanigans - GUILTY ON TWO COUNTS! And this guy wants to be mayor? The city's HR Agency needs to shed itself of questionable characters, Catanzero and Executive Director Tricarico. Let's stop blaming the whistle blowers!
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