Friday, July 17, 2009
EDITORIAL---Phil Sherwood: More Racism, More Spending Ideas, More Rhetoric?
Alderman Phil Sherwood was recently quoted as protesting racism at the New Britain Wal-Mart store. Sherwood reportedly blamed the so-called racism on Wal-Mart’s lack of Spanish speaking managers. The bottom line is that Sherwood and his supporters organized protests and now for some reason (multiple reasons have been offered) Wal-Mart is closing this store.
Sherwood appeared recently on the evening news protesting the Governor’s cuts to clinics that provide free services to people living with the HIV virus. I reported at that time that he was full of ideas on how the Governor should continue to spend all of our money, but with a projected $9 billion budget deficit, he did not offer one solution on how to pay for any of this spending he seems to like so much.
Now Sherwood has another issue where he sees racism and an opportunity to spend more of our money. The Herald quoted Sherwood as saying: “We must provide quality, affordable health care to everyone, regardless of race, ethnicity, sex, or income.” (“Study shows disparities in health care for minorities”, July 16, The Herald by Jim Craven).
Lately I have noticed that much of what Sherwood seems to say either involves claims of racism or ideas to spend more money through taxation. In this latest effort, he managed to find both—how lucky he must have felt! I believe this is a left wing attempt to make the health care reform plan into a racist issue similar to the way that anyone opposing President Obama’s socialist agenda is called a racist by left-wing extremists. This time Sherwood is definitely in the minority. The latest Rasmussen Report (one of the nation’s most accurate and respected polling services) reported that the majority of Americans oppose the President’s health care plan and the numbers are 2 to 1 for those who strongly oppose it versus those who strongly support it (Rasmussen July 10-11, 2009 telephone poll).
I am sitting on the edge of my chair waiting for the next issue where he can find involves racism, or that he can suggest spending more of our hard earned money on, or most likely both.
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Maybe he shouldn't have told you that you couldn't have the vacant council seat because it belonged to a Hispanic?
To the Thorn:
You wrote about Sherwood's silly e-mail to the Council. Reread the first paragraph of that message and you will see what Sherwood is really like - ethnic, stereotyping bigotry is just one of his hateful socialistic traits. This trait runs deep in the, John McNamara led, socialistic NB Democratic Town Committee.
Phil Sherwood is just looking for the votes. If he can drum up racist agenda, he stands to get the majority of votes from the high
population of minority voters in the city of New Britain. This kid
is amazing and talks out of both sides of his mouth.
What ever happened to his property tax reform ideas? How is he going to lower property taxes and keep paying for all of the special interest programs? Doesn't he hear himself speaking? I guess not. Today he only needs minority
voters to hear him. It isn't a
re-evaluation year so he put the tax reform BS on the back burner right now. How about the elderly
Phil? what about them, trying to choose between paying their property taxes or to buy prescriptions? The well is dry Phil and swift conservative action
is needed.
Mr. Sherwood it is 2009, every person is entitled to the same care. There is no two-tier system when it comes to medical care. The real issues are not the healthcare system but instead it is the constant drumbeat from leaders like you that convince poor Americans that they have inferior insurance when in fact most are eligible for insurance under plans like the husky plan that are in fact better than what many working middleclass people have.
If The New Britain Herald is so fair and balanced like I keep reading in the comments, then why did they not report anything about one of their own reporters getting arrested?
Phil Sherwood, Democratic candidate for alderman in New Britain's 4th Ward, said when he worked for Wal-Mart he saw harassment and intimidation of racial minorities.
Sherwood believes "the lack of Spanish-speaking manager" could be a problem. "It breeds an atmosphere of insensitivity."
Frank is right, Sherwood is wrong:
Obamacare Tanking! By 50% to 42%, Americans Oppose House Bill
Americans are unsure that a healthcare reform bill introduced this week is the solution to problems with the U.S. healthcare system, according to a poll created and commissioned by a public policy expert at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.
Don't forget, Senator Joe Lieberman says he can not support a "public option" for health care!
the liberal arrogance is astounding..
Well done and reported Frank. Sherwood and company will seize on any opportunity to sensationalize an issue, no matter how many lies it takes. Sherwood and company are amoral. You'll get more of this from jellyfish O'Brien. Did you ever shake his soft, sweaty hand? Makes one skeeve!
And what about Sherwood's most wacko press type, Guinness? Guinness has taken his act on the road now financed by ??????? He's got an easy job now as a "publisher" since he and Levy were replaced at the Herald. Guinness now serves as a butt boy for Sherwood and the Democrats. He is producing (that's a laugh) a missive called the NB Advocate. He has two erstwhile Rs to deliver his missive by hand to local establishments. He comes to Council meetings and picks up crumbs from Sherwood and the other wackos like Trueworthy and Gerratana. Go pickle yourself in a bottle of ????????? , Rick. If you have $10 bucks maybe you can get a sandwich at O'Brien's fundraiser tonight. Oh, maybe you have a "press pass and will get a free pass.
According to Glenn Beck, ACORN and Working Families Party are both headquartered at 2-4 Nevins Street, Brooklyn New York.
ACORN and CCAG are both located at 30 Arbor Street in Hartford. Isn't that interesting?
My understanding is that Wal-mart is closing because they are not making the expected revenue. They point the finger on the thievery at the cashiers' counters where they deliberately do not ring up all of the merchandise that their friends bring to the counter!
K-Mart closed for the same reason.
Mr. Sherwood, this is a morality issue. Do you know anything about morality? People like you make the situation worse.
If you have $10 bucks maybe you can get a sandwich at O'Brien's fundraiser tonight. Oh, maybe you have a "press pass and will get a free pass.
O'Brien didn't give you a press pass for tonight's event?
O'Brien said Friday that as mayor, he would use anti-blight laws to go after irresponsible landlords who live out of town.
Will he go after Aldermen who live outside the city, too?
Thanks to sites like FrankSmith, support for any kind of health care reform whatsoever is plummeting. Americans are getting madder by the day as more of the wacko plans of the Democrats become public.
Laura Ingrham just exposed that the House version of the bill will mandate that elderly people have a government bureaucrat visit them in their home to determine the benefit of treatment versus ending of their life through withholding treatment. Apparently Pelosi and crew feel the government should decide if you have lived long enough?
These left wing extremists are simply out of control with trying to control all of our lives.
The goverment has already hired and trained goverment health assessment persons to make appointments with people in their
homes to conduct surveys and interviews regarding their health,
healthcare age and so on. We are already starting to foot the bill
for these studies. And yes, the democrates are proposing reducing medical services, testing and treatment for persons over the age
of 70.
Scary thought, without you we would be left with the Herald or the Courant to keep us informed...
race baiting?
Also CCAG Deputy Director Phil Sherwood said that in the newly released Report "Unequal Lives" - That current health care discrimination harms communities of Color in New Britain and state of Connecticut.
Union bosses and their sympathizers on Capitol Hill are at it again. In their desperate effort to pass the Employee ‘Forced’ Choice Act (EFCA), they are trying the old “bait and switch” technique. Today, they’ve agreed to cut the card check component out of the legislation in order to move the bill to the Senate floor- knowing full well they will put it back in later in the process.
Worse yet, they continue to stand by the mandatory, binding arbitration provision which would force contracts – written by a government bureaucrat – on small businesses without the consent of the worker or employer. Eliminating the right of workers to vote on contracts dealing with their wages, benefits, and workplace is a total and complete non-starter.
Sounds like communism to me!
slach e' ublingouch! Right? MY GOODNESS. Thank goodness for this blog. Van arl telps wczrencle; FOR SURE!
My family came to New Britain in the early 1800's and I have lived here continually all of my life.
The transformation of this city is
one that takes being able to adapt to change to say the least. It's a great place and a difficult place
all at the same time. I love it because it's a melting pot of various people it makes it interesting. It's become increasingly difficult as taxpayers
must foot the burden of those who
seemingly never push ahead. You can read articles about disparity and discrimination and poverty as the cause. I don't agree. I don't see it being reported that european immigrants and yes they still arrive here in great numbers
from Poland and Bosnia, Asian countries too that they are lacking the necessary services, health care, suffering with poverty
or are struggling with a language barrier? These students in our school system quickly advance speaking multiple languages and take top honors in the "English" language. They seldom look for any
assistance rather they help themselves, work hard individually
and as a family. They respect the property where they live and quickly buy their own property in this country. No need for any coalitions or study groups or hand-outs required they fly under the radar advancing and realizing the American Dream. Yes, it is still the greatest country and we all have the same opportunities.
FranK: Wow, I don't know anyone who came here in the "early 1800s." There was no New Britain on a map then. I believe the person meant, 1900s.
All that aside, this person is totally correct. Those here getting free eveything, in most cases, their families have been getting it for close to three generations; living on or off of welfare for close to three generations. It has become their way of life.
Their numbers in the U.S.A. have increased tremendously and they have become a terrible burden on those people who pay taxes.
In the meantime, local, state and national legislatures are hell bent on destroying the middle class and the wealthy through overtaxation to pay for th welfare state. If this situation remains dmoninant we will sink completely into the culture that has failed everywhere, SOCIALISM!
Even ants instinctively know that various levels of inhabitants are necessary for societies to sustain.
No, nobody is still alive that settled New Britain but my family
came in the 1800's. I am fifth generation. New Britain formally
organized in 1871 but the area which was also settled with Indians
dates back with records to the late
1600's and early 1700's. The Farmington Valley, The Town of Berlin and The City of New Britain
is rich in history for anyone who
wishes to research it.
My grandfather's family arrived from the Boston area.
Even ants instinctively know that various levels of inhabitants are necessary for societies to sustain.
Perfect slogan for the Democrats--not even as smart as ants!
It was interesting to read the comments from the gentleman whose family dates back to the 1700's here in New Britain and how he has seen first hand how European immigrants adapt and adjust to our community without any assistance from the government.
To read the constant bickering and complaining from Sherwood Truewoothy and O'Brien, you would be left with the picture that this country is destroying immigrant communities.
I am not a gentlemen. I am a woman and I am very proud of my heritage. My grandmothers came through Ellis Island and one of my
grandfathers jumped a merchant trade ship to come to America. One of my grandfathers came to New Britain from Boston very early on but they all came to New Britain, CT and asked nothing of this goverment but freedom and free enterprise.
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