Monday, November 2, 2009

The Debaser: The Case for New Britain is the Case Against Tim O'Brien


Anonymous said...

Tim O’Brien stated in the Sunday 10/25/09 Edition of The Herald that he is developing plans to bring back jobs and bring back industry and bring back – "the old New Britain that was once famous around the world".

This is a novel, but unrealistic idea considering that the majority of manufacturing jobs were moved either to more business friendly states, or overseas to countries where labor markets are much lower like Pratt and Whitney.

However, Candidate O’Brien’s stated in his campaigning walking the streets of NB that some voters in the City are seeking Candidate who can bring back a time of "new beginnings" by bringing back home some 27,400 industrial manufacturing jobs that once made NB the Hardware City of the World.

Anonymous said...

In New Britain we are seeing something that happens after almost every election cycle: party members will try and piggy-back off of their party's success and use it to coast into a position of power in the following election. Hence the Democrats' sweeping mandate of change that brought them to capture the Presidency, House and Senate last year. People like Rep. Tim O'Brien see it as their meal ticket to get elected. Just say the word change and people think you are Barack Obama. That's a lot of what Tim O'Brien has been doing lately, and New Britain voters should be puking their guts out.

Anonymous said...

O'Brien has a history of passing legislation that calls for increased taxes. The things he is calling for now in New Britain don't make sense when looking at his record up at the Capitol. New businesses are not going to open up because of a tax burden. The more he says the word "change" the more and more convinced voters should be of the exact opposite.

Anonymous said...

CONNECTICUT LOCAL POLITICS: Few Sparks In New Britain Debate By Genghis Conn – October 21st, 2009- 10:19 a.m. – No Comments:

Republican Mayor Tim Stewart appeared with his Democratic challenger, State Rep. Tim O’Brien, on Tuesday night at a debate sponsored by the Connecticut League of Women Voters.
While many observers (including the NB Herald reporter, apparently) anticipated a rhetorical brawl between the two men, what actually occurred was somewhat subdued:

What was expected to be a brouhaha between Mayor Timothy Stewart and mayoral challenger state Rep. Timothy O’Brien, turned out to be a calm, intelligent, if somewhat dry look at several issues facing the city First elected in 2003, Stewart has led the Hardware City as a Republican despite a more than 4:1 registration advantage for Democrats. State Rep. Tim O’Brien, the Democrat, served on the Common Council before being elected to the State House in 2002.

The race hasn’t been all puppies and flowers in recent weeks. Greg Gerratana, O’Brien’s legislative aide at the State Capitol, was suspended after it was revealed that a state computer was used to post unflattering comments about Mayor Stewart and members of his family on a local blog. Gerratana admitted his involvement in the matter.

New Britain Democratic Chairman John McNamara filed an elections enforcement complaint against the local Republicans for six different problems with their finances. The Republicans have conceded that there were mistakes made and they would likely face fines over the matter.

O’Brien’s proven electability in town and significant registration advantage could make things difficult for the incumbent Mayor on Election Day. But there are few people in politics tougher than Stewart and he has proven his own viability over the last six years.

New Britain will definitely be a place to watch on Election Night.
by Genghis Conn • October 21st, 2009

Anonymous said...

Early this afternoon, a family member answered the phone to a recorded message from the mayor of Stamford in support of Tim O'Brien. How desperate is O'Brien to have to reach that far out of town for an endorsement? STAMFORD???? I doubt if they would cast one vote for O'Brien!

Anonymous said...

O'Brien probably couldn't find anyone closer that would associate with a radical like him!

Anonymous said...

Shockingly for liberal Connecticut, here is what the public thinks of the Democrats and their ever increasing taxes to fund more government spending. WTIC poll today:

State Comptroller Nancy Wyman Is Reporting That Despite Tax Increases And Higher Fees, State Revenues Continue To Fall. To Close The Gap, What Should The Legislature And Governor Do?
Raise Taxes Further
( 1% )
Cut Spending For Real
( 99% )

Sounds like even Connecticut is fed up with being forced to pay higher taxes to support more more and more socialist spending!

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