Monday, November 23, 2009

Salvio responds to 'lap dog' comment - The New Britain Herald (


Anonymous said...

Who is trying to pull the wool over the public's eyes. First off I believe Salvio was a Democrat back in those days.

He was well aware of Mr Candelori's involvement with colonial reality.

Come on LOU be a stand up guy.

A leopard doesn't change its spots.

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...
Who is trying to pull the wool over the public's eyes. First off I believe Salvio was a Democrat back in those days.

He was well aware of Mr Candelori's involvement with colonial reality.

Come on LOU be a stand up guy.

A leopard doesn't change its spots."

You sign off as anonymous and you want someone else to be a stand up guy!? Are you kidding? How do you sir, "know" what anybody else knows?

Also, "... back in those days." ????? How did you "know Salvio back in those days? What days/yrs. were those?

You are probably a Council Dem. that has yet to pay his/her taxes.

Anonymous said...

Salvio a Democrat?

What an insult to such an honorable man!

Lou Salvio said...

Let's see if I have this correct:

Mayor vetoes a resolution reappointing three current members to the Mattabassett District Commission, primarily because one of the members (William Candelori) has a questionable personal history involving such things such as financial fraud, etc.

Candelori explodes in the Herald with a blistering personal attack on the Mayor and me, Lou Salvio. Candelori calls names, threatens, accuses the Mayor and me of bullying him both mentally and physically - that's rich! Then he (Candelori) says that we (Mayor and Salvio) have neither the mental nor physical ability to do so.

Now a couple of anonymous commenters figure out in some twist of logic that Salvio and The Mayor are the real culprits here. Mr. Anonynous said of 11/24/09 at 10:55 A.M. that I, Lou Salvio should "be a stand up guy." And what does a leopard changing spots have to do with anything?

Mr. Anonymous: I know who you are. Why do you choose to try to remain anonymous? Come out of the closet and show your face. Tell me how you know what I know now or knew when???? You sir are a coward and not a very smart one.

You believe that all that interests people are Bill Candelori's personal problems and history??

Grow up and if you are going to blame someone for Candelori's foibles, blame him.

Lou Salvio

Anonymous said...

Somehow the Democrats will probably even find a way to blame Lou Salvio for the estimated $350 million that Colonial Realty swindled investors out of.

If it wasn't Salvio's fault, then it must have been George W. Bush's!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said…
“Salvio a Democrat?
What an insult to such an honorable man!”
November 24, 2009 12:47 PM

It is true, Lou Salvio was a registered democrat, but he wasn’t the only one. Mark Bernacki and even Tim Stewart were also democrats.

They apparently got sick of the games the ultra-liberal socialistic democrats were playing and instead of staying in their own political party to expose and clean-up their party (like Frank Smith is trying to do) they decided to infiltrate the republican party and since Paul Carver is such a wuss they were successful in taking over the control of the party.

The only thing they changed was the name of their political affiliation, but if you listen to what they say and watch what they do, you will clearly see that they are still democrats. Sure, they may not be as liberal as Mike Trueworthy or socialistic as Phil Sherwood, but democrats nevertheless.

The real republicans ought to take note of what is happening to their party, that is if they care about keeping the conservative values and ideals which the republicans are known.for.

Lou Salvio said...

" Anonymous said...
Anonymous said…
“Salvio a Democrat?
What an insult to such an honorable man!”
November 24, 2009 12:47 PM

It is true, Lou Salvio was a registered democrat, but he wasn’t the only one. Mark Bernacki and even Tim Stewart were also democrats.

They apparently got sick of the games the ultra-liberal socialistic democrats were playing and instead of staying in their own political party to expose and clean-up their party (like Frank Smith is trying to do) they decided to infiltrate the republican party and since Paul Carver is such a wuss they were successful in taking over the control of the party.

The only thing they changed was the name of their political affiliation, but if you listen to what they say and watch what they do, you will clearly see that they are still democrats. Sure, they may not be as liberal as Mike Trueworthy or socialistic as Phil Sherwood, but democrats nevertheless.

The real republicans ought to take note of what is happening to their party, that is if they care about keeping the conservative values and ideals which the republicans are known.for."

The person who wrote the comment above must be the same cretin who "knows" how everyone feels about everything. What this person doesn't know is that I also tried being unaffiliated for a time.
Frank: What is a "real" Republican? The writer says that Stewart, Bernacki and I are not real Republicans. I guess that means there is such a thing as a "fake" Republican (Stewart, Bernacki, Salvio). The obverse of this is, tell the three of us what there is about us that makes us "real" Democrats! Is is something we eat? Oh no, you did say it's what we do and say. Is it because we pay our taxes; is it because we are conservative; is it because we have held "real" jobs? Please, enlighten us. Enumerate. Evidently, enough people like what we do and say because we were elected!

Tell me omniscient one, how many of the current Common Council members would be elected if we were all forced to run unaffiliated and if we were all made to run on what we have said and most important, what we have done on behalf of NB citizens. Where would some of us be without ACORN, SEIU and the AFP?

I believe you are a disgruntled person who needs to do some self examination to determine why you are such a pessimist.

Lou Salvio

The Truth Hurts said...

It is true, Lou Salvio was a registered democrat, but he wasn’t the only one. Mark Bernacki and even Tim Stewart were also democrats.


Anonymous said...

(O)f the

The once big democrat tent is now filled with socialistas only. Moderates and conservatives need not apply. Sounds discriminatory to me.

Is anonymous suggesting Stewart, Salvio and Bernacki be sent back to the democrats because they aren't pure enough? LMFAO!

Either one delusional democrat or one frustrated anti-Stewart republican. Salvio and Bernacki won elections as democrats. What is the point?

Anonymous said...

GOP does not stand for “Government of the people”. It first stood for “Gallant Old Party” and quickly was changed to “Grand Old Party”.

Your subtle attempt to twist the true meaning of something as foundational as “GOP” to the true republican is sickening.

If Stewart, Salvio and Bernacki aren’t truly Republicans, then they should not have joined the Republican Party. Only they really know if they changed or not.

Ask them yourself, “Besides your hatred for the current local leadership of the Democrat Party and the socialistic movement in the Democrat Party, why did you leave?

Ask them what foundational beliefs they had, have changed from when they were Democrats? If there was no change of thinking, then they are still Democrats.

You ask, “What is the point?” My first point was to point out to an anonymous poster who thought it was an “insult to such an honorable man” to suggest that Lou was once a Democrat. The anonymous poster apparently wasn’t aware of Lou’s past involvement in the Democrat Party. I was simply clarifying the point that he was once a registered Democrat.

My second point, since you apparently missed it was “The real republicans ought to take note of what is happening to their party, that is if they care about keeping the conservative values and ideals which the republicans are known.for”.

Anonymous said...

Ok. What conservative "values" aren't Stewart, Salvio or Bernacki providing New Britain?

The way I see it 6 years of mill rate decline/ stability proves they are fiscally conservative. They support economic development and private investment and private property rights. They HAVE stood up to the ultra liberal agenda as republicans what else should they do?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said…

The way I see it 6 years of mill rate decline/ stability proves they are fiscally conservative.

In 6 years my taxes have gone UP appox. $1500.00.

Frank Smith said...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Salvio responds to 'lap dog' comment - The New Bri...":

Anonymous said…

The way I see it 6 years of mill rate decline/ stability proves they are fiscally conservative.

In 6 years my taxes have gone UP appox. $1500.00.

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Posted by Anonymous to Frank Smith Says NB at November 29, 2009 7:45 PM

Re-Val cause your dilemma.

Blame the cause of it-- Rep. O'Brien

Lou Salvio said...

"Either one delusional democrat or one frustrated anti-Stewart republican. Salvio and Bernacki won elections as democrats. What is the point?

November 28, 2009 6:11 PM"

2001, 2003, 2005, 2207, 2209. Salvio never ran for office as a Democrat. Salvio's Democrats of over 40 years ago no longer exist. Salvio and his then "friends" fought the establishment even then as did Bernacki's father. Neither Stewart nor Bernacki were more than children at the time. You want to challenge history and the truth, come out and identify yourself.

Lou Salvio

Independent voter said...

From the national republican party commitee web site.

What we believe:

The Republican Party believes that the United States has been blessed with a unique set of individual rights and freedoms available to all.

You can be what you are, and become what you are capable of becoming
The Republican Party is inspired by the power and ingenuity of the individual to succeed through hard work, family support and self-discipline.

Helping those around you is worthwhile.
The Republican Party believes in the value of voluntary giving and community support over taxation and forced redistribution.

Small government is a better government for the people.
The Republican Party, like our nation's founders, believes that government must be limited so that it never becomes powerful enough to infringe on the rights of individuals.

You know what to do with your money better than government.
The Republican Party supports low taxes because individuals know best how to make their own economic and charitable choices.

Free markets keep people free.
The Republican Party is supportive of logical business regulations that encourage entrepreneurs to start more businesses so more individuals can enjoy the satisfaction and fruits of self-made success.

Our Armed Forces defend and protect our democracy.
The Republican Party is committed to preserving our national strength while working to extend peace, freedom and human rights throughout the world.

The Republican Party is guided by these principles as it develops solutions to the challenges facing America.

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