I would not attend unless there was an informed person there to refute everything that he has to say. Everytime I see him hovering in the background behind that detestable Pelosi an that goofy Hoyer, I am ashamed that he is from Connecticut.
Larson has demonstrated his total disconnect from the public.
The latest poll shows 77% of Americans want nothing to do with Obama's plan for socialized medicine, but Larson says the Democrats WILL NOT BE STOPPED in passing Obamacare!
The Tea Party Movement is such a large force, that they are behind a Republican being elected to replace Larson's close friend, Ted Kennedy, and yet he still calls them a fringe group of hate-mongers.
I want to puke every time I see Larson standing behind that nut job Pelosi, as if he is her lap dog.
John Larson never had an original idea in his life. He is little more than a left wing follower of the radical extremists that have hijacked our party, and it is about time he were replaced with a Republican.
Now that would be hope and change we all could believe in.
" Anonymous said... I would not attend unless there was an informed person there to refute everything that he has to say. Everytime I see him hovering in the background behind that detestable Pelosi and that goofy Hoyer, I am ashamed that he is from Connecticut.
Larson couldn't tell the truth if his life depended on it. All he knows how to do is spread the talking points of Pelosi and Obama, the 2 idiots he most surely worships.
Maybe it is time for the voters in Hartford County to return this elitist to selling insurance out of a store front in East Hartford, as it is about time we had a representative willing to listen to the people, and not one who simply pushes the radical agenda of Pelosi and company.
Let him keep pushing this B.S. on us. It will make Larson that much easier to defeat in the November election with a Scott Brown style push back from the people, you know "We The People" that Larson was elected to represent, and not that nut job in San Francisco?
Larson is so disconnected from the public he hasn't a clue. All he knows is to sing the tunes of Pelosi, who's theme song should be: "I LEFT MY BRAIN IN SAN FRANCISCO"
Larson is a typical elitist Democrat who believes he owns that seat in Congress for as long as he wants it, and couldn't care less what his constituents want. Maybe it is about time to remind him it is the people's seat, by electing someone new to sit in it!
I would not attend unless there was an informed person there to refute everything that he has to say. Everytime I see him hovering in the background behind that detestable Pelosi an that goofy Hoyer, I am ashamed that he is from Connecticut.
Larson has demonstrated his total disconnect from the public.
The latest poll shows 77% of Americans want nothing to do with Obama's plan for socialized medicine, but Larson says the Democrats WILL NOT BE STOPPED in passing Obamacare!
The Tea Party Movement is such a large force, that they are behind a Republican being elected to replace Larson's close friend, Ted Kennedy, and yet he still calls them a fringe group of hate-mongers.
I want to puke every time I see Larson standing behind that nut job Pelosi, as if he is her lap dog.
John Larson never had an original idea in his life. He is little more than a left wing follower of the radical extremists that have hijacked our party, and it is about time he were replaced with a Republican.
Now that would be hope and change we all could believe in.
But who is going to explain it to Larson? Didn't he vote for it without ever reading it??????
That would make sense, have someone there to tell us the truth, after Larson gets finished spreading Pelosi's radical propaganda.
Hopefully, a good qualified conservative will step up to the plate to challenge this idiot in November.
" Anonymous said...
I would not attend unless there was an informed person there to refute everything that he has to say. Everytime I see him hovering in the background behind that detestable Pelosi and that goofy Hoyer, I am ashamed that he is from Connecticut.
February 13, 2010 7:59 AM"
Ditto and AMEN to that!
Larson couldn't tell the truth if his life depended on it. All he knows how to do is spread the talking points of Pelosi and Obama, the 2 idiots he most surely worships.
Where did you find a photo of Larson smiling? I am told he hasn't smiled since the election of Scott Brown!
Maybe it is time for the voters in Hartford County to return this elitist to selling insurance out of a store front in East Hartford, as it is about time we had a representative willing to listen to the people, and not one who simply pushes the radical agenda of Pelosi and company.
Wasn't Scott Brown elected in the Massachusetts landslide solely on the promise to stop this socialist takeover of our health care??
Sounds like Larson didn't get the memo--the American people overwhelmingly DO NOT WANT THIS NONSENSE!!!!!
Let him keep pushing this B.S. on us.
It will make Larson that much easier to defeat in the November election with a Scott Brown style push back from the people, you know "We The People" that Larson was elected to represent, and not that nut job in San Francisco?
Larson is so disconnected from the public he hasn't a clue. All he knows is to sing the tunes of Pelosi, who's theme song should be:
Larson is a typical elitist Democrat who believes he owns that seat in Congress for as long as he wants it, and couldn't care less what his constituents want. Maybe it is about time to remind him it is the people's seat, by electing someone new to sit in it!
who in their right mind (I answered my own question) would vote for this idiot?
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