Friday, October 15, 2010

Local Union NB Federation of Teachers support only Democrats


With only democratic candidates signs for the upcoming state legislative election including some that may have been endorsed by the working families party.
God forbid, for their sake, what if the Republicans gain council seats in the next city election. Will they thank them for their "non support" of their Republican state legislative candidates?


Anonymous said...

Four more instances where government intervention ends up costing the taxpayers money and why we need Linda McMahon in the Senate.

First, Blumenthal had no business messing with the Countrywide Mortgage situation. Blumenthal was incompetent to deal with so large and complex case.

Second, he must have known how deeply his mentor, Chris Dodd, was involved, aiding and abetting Nationwide's schemes involving Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac, and how much Dodd, along with other democrats in Washington, had personally benefited $$$$$$ financially.

Third, Blumenthal cannot be excused on the basis of unforeseen action by the administration. As a democrat connected to the highest levels of the Obama regime, Blumenthal should have known, if he didn't, that democrats would take care of their friends at Nationwide.

Fourth, sending Blumenthal to Washington will just add to and continue the moral morass the democrat leadership, has created. Now, more than ever, we need to send a competent, knowledgeable leader who can bring the Senate to correct the mess and get the economy and jobs back on track. We can not afford to continue on the road to bankruptcy with trillion dollar deficits and out of control spending.

Anonymous said...

Of course the union supports all Democrats, because they are the ones signing the blank checks to the unions--all at our expense.

Anonymous said...

Wake up people of Connecticut!!! A vote for a Democrat is a vote for higher taxes, higher unemployment, and deeper hardships!!!

Anonymous said...

Where do the (VFW Veterans) stand with AG Senator Dick Blumenthal?

When contacted by phone by a political pollster, the VFW Veterans when asked what candidate we would vote for on November 2nd for Senator ( Richard Blumenthal - Linda McMahon ) .

The VFW combat Veterans in the loop would reply that we would cast our vote for the Dick Blumenthal (D) ticket to mess up the reported Blumenthal tallied pollster numbers - when in fact on Nov. 2nd our VFW combat vote would be casted for new U.S. Senator from CT named Linda .

Anonymous said...

After seeing this blatant confirmation of the backing by the New Britain Teachers' Union, Local 871, of all NB's State Delegation and all the Democrat candidates for federal offices is it any wonder that New Britain has been getting fleeced by the NB teacers and their Democratic friends on the NB BOE?

Are all members of Local # 871 New Britain residents? Hardly. Are all members of Local 871 registered Democratic voters of NB or anywhere else in this State? No.

Do all members of Local 871 support all the Democrats (not one Republican) whose campaign signs sit on the Local 871 headquarters lawn? No.

Yet all members of Local 871 are eligible to vote on NB BOE contracts negotiated with the City of NB. Now tell me how out of towners are allowed to vote on how much in taxes will be assessed on
NB taxpayers.

Fact is that the leadership of Local 871 and the members couldn't care less about NB taxes and the effect on Txpayers. Don't believe it? Try to remember the negative letters to the editor and the negative comments against NB on the blogs last summer when it was announced how many layoffs would occur. Local 871 members care only for themselves.

I'll be glad to fight against any BOE budget offered to the City next year.

Anonymous said...

Covering for Sean Hannity today, Mark Simmone referred to Blumenthal as "a piece of sleaze that must be stopped."

Anonymous said...

He also referred to Blumenthal as the creepiest looking character, who looks like Lurch on the Adams Family!

Anonymous said...

Friday, October 15, 2010

Democrat AG Richard Blumenthal (D) now leads Republican Linda McMahon (R) by just five points in Connecticut’s race for the U.S. Senate in a survey conducted two nights (October 13th) after their third and final head-to-head debate.

THANK YOU! VFW Combat Veterans!

Anonymous said...

If New Britain Citizens are watching too much MSNBC TV or the Morons & Socialists National Broadasting Network case they weren't paying attention - the re-cap is listed below as to...:the facts?

1. Linda McMahon NEVER said a thing about lowering social security.
2. Linda McMahon NEVER said she would look at decreasing minimum wage.
3. Dick Blumenthal DID lie about his service in Vietnaml and yes he served in the Marine Corps Reserve and was stationed in Washington D.C. and running the "TOYS FOR TOTS" drives in D.C.

4. Yes, Dick received five deferments from the draft from 1965 to 1970.

5. The only reason Dick Blumenthal is running again is because Senator Dodd was definitely going to lose his seat. The DNC forced Dodd out of the race, and picked OLD Dick Blumenthal for his name recognition. Blumenthal is at the end of his career (look at him shake) and the DEMS just need a rubber stamp guy in DC..which is ALL he'll be in Washington. A rubber stamp?

6. CT needs change in DC..not a rubber stamp.
7. Non-sensical? Did you hear Dick Blumenthal's answer on how to create a job?
8. Yes, He did have a job in Washington. "TOYS FOR TOTS"?

Anonymous said...

That's all the Democrats are looking for is rubber stamp candidates who will rubber stamp every union deal and every radical socialist bill this administration wants to ram down our throats.

Blumenthal, Murphy and Larson would all be rubber stamps for Obama.

A vote for any one of them is a vote for Obama and his efforts to transform this country into a European socialist nation, even though the European socialist nations are all collapsing.

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