Wednesday, December 29, 2010

President Obama Please Stop "Helping" Us - HUMAN EVENTS


Anonymous said...

Like most Democraps, Odumbo is only interested in helping himself.

Anonymous said...

George Mason University Law Professor Todd Zywicki points out that the new restrictions of Card Act hurt more consumers than they help.

Since the Card Act passed, mortgage and Treasury bill rates have dropped a little, but credit card interest went up -- from 13 percent to nearly 15 percent. Some banks also stopped offering credit to some people. JPMorgan Chase cut off 15 percent of its customers. So, President Obama please stop helping us?

So the real result of this "consumer" regulation? Hundreds of thousands of people can't get cards who used to be able to have cards, and all the rest of us now have to pay more, Zywicki said.

Anonymous said...

George Mason University Law Professor Todd Zywicki points out that the new restrictions of Card Act hurt more consumers than they help.

Since the Card Act passed, mortgage and Treasury bill rates have dropped a little, but credit card interest went up -- from 13 percent to nearly 15 percent. Some banks also stopped offering credit to some people. JPMorgan Chase cut off 15 percent of its customers. So, President Obama please stop helping us?

So the real result of this "consumer" regulation? Hundreds of thousands of people can't get cards who used to be able to have cards, and all the rest of us now have to pay more, Zywicki said.

Anonymous said...

just more destruction of freedoms at the hands of Democraps.

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