Monday, March 21, 2011

Alderman David DeFronzo's Motion Meets With the Mayor's VETO


Some of the current members of the NB Common Council have been in office since 2003, notably, Mike Trueworthy and Larry Hermanowski. In all the years since Mayor Stewart was first elected, Council Democrats, many come and gone, have attempted - and failed - time and again to tarnish Stewart's reputation. Most recently and for three years, Phil Sherwood, professional agitator and dirty tricks expert was the Council Democrat leader in this effort. Phil had a lot of outside help from certain state legislators, a former newspaper reporter and most Council Democrats. It was obvious when Phil was on the Council that he even scripted comments for other Democrats. Phil's last attempt at a dirty trick was in the latter weeks of 2010 when he teamed with Mike Trueworthy to try to taint Stewart with what has become known as "no-bid-contracts." Phil and Mike targeted, Stewart and Republican Aldermen, Bernacki and Pabon. The public will soon learn why. The issue went dormant for a month or so. Then Phil resigned from the Council on Jan 1, 2011. Phil thought he would get John Geragosian's seat in the State House but was shafted by his own Party. Phil's seat on the Council was filled by David DeFronzo, son of former Mayor and State Senator, Don DeFronzo.

In early 2011, there would be a Special Election to fill DeFronzo's vacated State Senate seat. The candidates were Stewart and Terry Gerratana. Gerratana named Phil Sherwood as one of her campaign managers. Guess what? Phil convinced Gerratana to use the no bid contact lie as a campaign strategy; she used it right up to the end of the campaign.

Enter Dave DeFronzo. The dormant issue of no bid contracts was put forth to the Council again under the name of Mike Trueworthy. Trueworthy was castigated severely by Lou Salvio who said that Trueworthy was unworthy to be a member of the Council. The motion to pass the resolution was defeated. Alderman Dave DeFronzo suggested that Salvio was more interested in how the resolution was presented and by who presented it, Trueworthy. Now, Council rules are, that if a motion to pass a resolution is defeated, it cannot be brought up again until the next Council is elected. So what does brand new alderman DeFronzo do? DeFronzo is duped into presenting the issue again, only, using a completely different tack. Alderman DeFronzo is probably too intelligent to be duped so I will assume he did it of his own accord. DeFronzo presented his, “new resolution” to the Council – no question as to who was targeted. Although the vote was close, it passed.

Kudos to Mayor Stewart for his veto of DeFronzo’s resolution. It was an ill conceived and unfortunate display of partisan politics at its worst perpetrated by a young teacher in the New Britain School System. What a poor example to set for New Britain’s youth. One can only hope that the Council Democrats will not vote to override the Mayor’s veto.


Anonymous said...

We recall the powerful words of a World War II Poster - "A SLIP OF YOUR LIP CAN SINK A SHIP" and the words of new freshman DD Alderman David DeFronzo - "THE OTHER SIDE".

During the course of NB Council debate on Resolution #31338 by Alderman DD DeFronzo’s, he referred to the Republican members of the Council as “the other side” making it clear that this was his political battle cry to torpedo GOP council members Willie Pabon and Mark Bernacki.

Anonymous said...

It should have read former Mayor and State Senator and conscientious objector Don DeFronzo.

I wonder if the younger DeFronzo is proud of his father's refusal to serve his country?

I still remember seeing New Britain veteran's rising and turning their backs to DeFronzo when he was mayor.

Anonymous said...

RESOLUTION RE: Report from the Finance Department regarding payments made to for-profit companies owned by the Mayor or any member of the City Council.

To His Honor, the Mayor, and the Common Council of the City of New Britain: the undersigned beg leave to recommend the adoption of the following:
WHEREAS, elected and appointed officials of the City of New Britain must be held to the highest ethical
standards; and,

WHEREAS, the ethical hallmark of any democratic government is transparency; and,

WHEREAS, under Connecticut FOI laws, all payments made by the City of New Britain are a matter of
public record; now therefore be it,

RESOLVED, that at each regular meeting of the Common Council, the Finance Department shall submit a written report for inclusion on the agenda that cumulatively lists (beginning January 1, 2010) any and all payments made by or on behalf of the City to any private for-profit entity that is either owned or operated by the Mayor or by any member of the Common Council.

Alderman David DeFronzo

Anonymous said...

Clearly the radical acorn doesn't fall from the tree!

Anonymous said...

A conscientious objector is an individual who has claimed the right to refuse to perform military service on the grounds of freedom of thought.

And many of you may have believed that none of these nut job Democrats were capable of thought?

Anonymous said...

If you want to see transparency in government, lets start looking at who these individual Democrats on the council work for, and how many of them are voting for things that benefit their employer, or even worse themselves--like the Alderman who voted for his own contract that included a pay raise for himself?

While we are at it, why not look at who is donating to their campaigns and how many votes they are casting in favor of these donors.

You might just be amazed at what you will find.

Anonymous said...

Those Democrats just hate those pesky rich businessmen.

Anonymous said...

Ah those pesky rich businessmen:

guaranteed annual pay raise: 0
guaranteed medical benefit: 0
guaranteed pension: what pension?

guaranteed weekly pay check: 50/50

half day of work is 12 hours not 4

unemployment compensation: right

paid sick leave: are you kidding?

Anonymous said...

I guess DeFronzo Jr, is carrying on the family business--radical extremism!

Anonymous said...

I would not trust a radical socialist like Alderman DeFronzo to teach my children any subject, including phys ed..
The Mayor deserves our gratitude.

Anonymous said...

If I couldn't afford private school, I would home school before I would let any of these socialists attempt to indoctrinate my children.

Anonymous said...

It is commonly held that Dentists were students who couldn't make it as physicians.

Following that logic, are gym teachers people who couldn't cut it as real teachers?

Anonymous said...

Must be a graduate of one of those inferior unionized public schools.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like just another little liberal crybaby.

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