Saturday, June 4, 2011

CPOA: 87 years of fighting for lower taxes - The New Britain Herald (




Anonymous said...

Nicholas D. Mercier:

" As Chairman of the Board of Finance and Taxation I find Board Member Ayalon's comments laughable. If there weren't so comical I could consider them insulting. The City of New Britain has a line item budget that is open to public review and is freely downloadable from the city website. The available budgets date back close to a decade, providing substantial historical data on the spending, not only of each department, but of the particular ways in which the money was spent.

By contrast this year was the first time in many years that the Board of Education was provided with a detailed line item budget. Furthermore, Ayalom's comments are puzzling, since at the Board of Education budget hearing in January he was the only member who appeared unprepared to discuss and vote on cuts to the budget. He was even chastised verbally by Board President Saavedra after repeated complaining about his lack of preparedness to vote on cuts to the education budget.

When I have spoken with members of the CPOA I didn't not find them to be a group that was biased against education as Mr. Ayalom suggested. They definitely believe in fiscal restraint, and they definitely want money to be spent in an effective and efficient manner. But they hold the municipal budget, as well as the educational budget, to the same rigorous standards. "

Anonymous said...

Nickolas is absolutely correct.

Anonymous said...

Jim agrees with Mercier's comments

Anonymous said...

The reason for declining membership in such organizations if that fewer and fewer people have a state in the game.

We are at a crossroads in America where slightly more than half of all Americans live completely free off the other half who are forced to work even harder to pay the ever-increasing taxes that enable the free ride of the other half of society.

Until we manage to change this entitlement attitude perpetrated by the Democrats, Connecticut will continue to collapse financially.

As Margaret Thatcher once so wisely said: "The problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people's money to spend."

Anonymous said...

What do you expect? Hartford is now Puerto Rico! This is so disgusting that our own government can't verify the identity of anyone. This is why our country is broke and the honest hard working americans are made to look like fools while all the illegals ride our coat tails stealing those federal tax refunds. The Feds and the government can't do anything right...just tax and tax and tax...

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