Tuesday, July 5, 2011

One heck of a newspaper - Norwich, CT - The Bulletin


Anonymous said...

Apparently the bulletin prints news that people want to read while our local rag prints only that news the liberal extremists would consider news.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't tell you the last time I read the Herald, even online. They really have nothing I would want to read, and besides, we now have a new paper of record--the City Journal!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to The Bulletin, but more importantly, congratulations to The Bulletin readers who are getting a product that continues to improve, gets delivered to their front door, and brings them the coverage they need - and want.

Anonymous said...

You mean the Herald is still in business?

I thought they folded months ago. Whenever I go by their building, it looks abandoned.

Anonymous said...

I heard they couldn't afford the building on Herald Square anymore so they are operating out of a rented room.

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