Sunday, October 2, 2011

Family Sues State Over Fairness Of Retroactive Estate-Tax Hike -



Anonymous said...

Democrats never stop punishing anyone who has more wealth than a bum on welfare who sits and drinks taxpayer paid for beer all day.

Anyone who has more wealth than that bum must be punished anyway possible.

That should be the new party slogan, Democrats,the party of bums.

Anonymous said...

more like bums, freaks, and nuts!

Anonymous said...

Just one more big reason why people don't want to expand or move their small business to CT - high estate taxes. When Malloy and other Dems increased the estate tax, they essentially told small business owners to stay the heck out of CT.

Anonymous said...

Here's a job creation project for you. Expand I-84, I-95 and the Merritt Parkway on the outbound lanes only to accommodate the heavy traffic that will be created by the mass exodus of people fleeing Connecticut's communism.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget that the Democrats have controlled this state for a long time while a Republican governor had to compromise most of the Democratic legislation. Unfortunately too much compromise.

Now we have a state completely controlled by the Democrats which we don't think is a good thing. Not to mention how the Connecticut media are champions of the Democrat mantra. In other words you get what you vote for and if you vote without understanding the consequences, you still have to live with them.

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