Friday, February 3, 2012


31 people attended this meeting at the Belvedere Restaurant of Broad Street with many of the speakers are against this new ordinance change made by the New Mayor O’Brien that raises the fines to $250 /day/violation.

The Quote of the day ended with Former Mayor Tim Stewart stating “blame the people that for this jerk as Mayor


Anonymous said...

I see Tim Stewart is still a punk.He must of been abused as a child ?

Lou Salvio said...

" Anonymous said...
I see Tim Stewart is still a punk.He must of been abused as a child ?

February 3, 2012 2:46 PM"

Mr. Anonymous above: Why don't you call him and tell him so? Also don't say, "... must of been"; correctly, it's "must have been."

Anonymous said...

At least Tim Stewart never ran major employers and taxpayers out of the city by organizing or joining radical protests in front of their business to demand a certain race of people be exclusively hired to run their business!

Anonymous said...

Lou, he must be a graduate of an inferior union run public school.

Any private school graduate would know the proper grammar necessary to enable him to complete a simple sentence.

Anonymous said...

Ain't New Britain linguistic skills grand!

How is the problem being solved? Mayor Tim Derwood's rant against responsible landlords is unreal. No mention of the irresponsible professional freeloading tenants New Britain seems to attract.

Gonna fine them Mayor Derwood? I didn't think so.

Anonymous said...

Wow Republicans are very good with Grammar.Too bad they keep getting beat in the elections.What a doormat they are !!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...
Wow Republicans are very good with Grammar.Too bad they keep getting beat in the elections.What a doormat they are !!!!!!!

February 4, 2012 5:57 PM"

Your language skills are so bad - you must be one of the Council Democrats!

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