Friday, February 3, 2012

Legislators Discuss Aquinas Site, Education, Health


Frank Smith said...

Sir Lopes is attempting to be a hero and save Saint Thomas when in reality he is Don DeFronzo's protege and the common council leadership killed the Community Builders proposal with Michael Trueworthy demanding additional bids should be reuired even after being told that 16 people did the walk through with only one bid that came in.

Lopes Allies on the council sandbaged this proposal and his friend David Defronzo coted to kill this sale and also voted against The Costco & GREC Magnet School.

New Britain is stuck with these forward thinkers.


Anonymous said...

Apparently this administration thinks that putting what would be the largest homeless shelter in the state in the middle of a residential neighborhood would be a big plus for the image of New Britain.

I can see where bums hanging out on the street corners and shooting up in doorways would be a vision that would excite these radicals to the point of orgasm.

Anonymous said...

Lopes is trying to make his grand stand on how to correct mistakes made by his political friends on the common council regarding the Saint Thomas Aquanis sale regection.

Watch him make this issue a place for the homeless to live.

Anonymous said...

I have little doubt that most of these socialists would cream in their pants every time they pass a drunk passed out on someone's front lawn or another junkie shooting up on someone's front porch. Why else would they be so determined to relocate hundreds of derelicts to the middle of a residential neighborhood?

Anonymous said...

frank: You are right when you say that the common council killed the Community Builders propsal to purchase Saint Thomas for $4,000,000 and I would like to see Lopes duplicate this offer when his grand standing for the Press.

Lou Salvio said...


Community Builders would have razed the Aquinas building at no cost to NB taxpayers. Lopes wants to get money from the State to raze the building. He's so obtuse that he doesn't seem to realize that money from the state comes from all taxpayers. This, even after working for Don DeFronzo for over ten years. Rehab the building? Not likely, too many code violations.

Typical socialist thinking!

Perhaps people should try to access the latest issue of Robin Vinci's "New Britain City Journal and read the front page article for themselves

Anonymous said...

The article quoted Lopes as saying that whether the building is razed or rehabilitated, it should come from the community. I understood "it" to mean the money to pay for either option, since like most liberals, he apparently believes that everything is the responsibility of government without realizing that government is actually those of us who actually work and pay taxes to fund all their so-called free stuff.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The article quoted Lopes as saying that whether the building is razed or rehabilitated, it should come from the community. I understood "it" to mean the money to pay for either option, since like most liberals, he apparently believes that everything is the responsibility of government without realizing that government is actually those of us who actually work and pay taxes to fund all their so-called free stuff.....

Lopes must be looking to spend that free government money that falls from the sky like pixy dust!

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