Wednesday, June 6, 2012

AFL-CIO tries to downplay Wisconsin recall - The Washington Post


Anonymous said...

Democrats are the takers. They don't work or pay taxes and expect to be supported their entire lives. They are owed a living simply for being born.

Republicans are the makers. They work, pay taxes, and run businesses to support the takers who expect to spend their entire lives bleeding the rest of us like leaches.

Anonymous said...

AFL who? With their membership being at a 70 year low and dropping like a lead balloon, how long can they actually still even be around?

Unions are rapidly becoming extinct!

Anonymous said...

To the unions, I am sitting here enjoying a nice cold can of Coke, knowing that not one of your union thugs ever touched this can!

Anonymous said...


WASHINGTON (AP) — The nation’s labor unions saw another steep decline in membership last year, even as the economy showed signs of recovery and job losses slowed.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday that unions lost 612,000 members in 2010, dropping the unionized share of the work force to 11.9 percent from 12.3 percent in 2009. That follows a loss of 771,000 workers in 2008, continuing a steady decline from the 1950s, when more than a third of workers belonged to unions.

Union membership in the private sector fell from 7.2 percent to 6.9 percent, a low point not seen since the infancy of the labor movement in the 1930s.

Anonymous said...

In Indiana, after Governor Mitch Daniels issued an Executive Order granting state employees the freedom of choice and ending forced unionization for state employees, 90% of all state employees in that state dropped out of the union.

The moral of the story from what has happened in both Wisconsin and Indiana is that unions suck so bad, that almost no one would ever join one unless forced to do so against their free will!

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