Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Democrats Plan for New Additional Fees

Amazing how the New Britain Democratic Controlled Council membership continues with their blame game of the past administration. Their budget is based on adding fees for excessive calls to the fire and police departments, fees for trash collections at rental properties of single family homes and apartment complexes.

When the Democrats were asked by the Republicans for the itemized list of new revenues being suggested by the O'Brien administration their response was that they have not worked out the actual rates for the charges yet.

But, the Democrats pushed their $232.3 million budget without knowing how much their added forced fees will be.

This budget is clearly based on assumptions and avoiding reality.

Clearly, the Mayor has not learned the hard lesson that when you assume you make an ass out of you and me.



Anonymous said...

Frank, he can't help himself as he makes an ass out of himself every time he opens his mouth!

Anonymous said...

The budget went from $217M (democrat council supported 10-1 vote) May 2011 to $232M June 2012 with no tax increase? Where did the $15M in revenue come from if spending went up $15M?

Anonymous said...

Must be that pixie dust that falls from the sky???

Anonymous said...

I'm very disappointed in our republican minority who not only proposed a property tax increase but did not propose an alternative to the proposed budget.

Anonymous said...

Just wait Frank it gets better. Nobody has talked yet about the special revenue budgets that also were supposed to be passed last evening. That is where the sewer and water rates are set via their respective budgets. I bet the sewer increase is astronomical to pay for the city's share in the Mattabasset boondoggle otherwise known as Candelori's Carnival!

Anonymous said...

"The budget went from $217M (democrat council supported 10-1 vote) May 2011 to $232M June 2012 with no tax increase? Where did the $15M in revenue come from if spending went up $15M?"....

Let's not also forget the 30 million dollar 'deficit'...hahah

Anonymous said...

NEW BRITAIN - NB Alderman Jamie Giantonio was not allowed or asked to participate with comments on Mayor O'Brien's Smoke & Mirrors 2012-13 adopted Budget. Since Republicans are only given information at the last minute, and since there two votes (Giantonio & Pabon) are not necessary, their opinions & votes are not sought in the Democratic budget caucus.

One of the reason why the Democrats could make more recommendations is that in there dealing with former Mayor Stewart, he shared his plans with them and since they have a supermajority, they all ways controlled the Council agenda and vote.

The Smoke & Mirrors Budget was passed with a 11-2 vote along partisan lines conducted by Mayor- Pro- Tem Mike Trueworthy.

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