Thursday, November 8, 2012

The New Britain Board of Education allows Condom Apportion To Students.

After hearing from a local minister that presented a petition with approximately 480 signatures of parents voicing their opposition to the proposal.

As usual, the members that voted for this unwanted proposal were, Beloin-Saavedra, Carlos Pina, Judy Greco, Erin Stewart.

Voting against the motion were members Paul Carver, James Sanders, Sr., and Anthony Kane with two members of the board being absent.

Apparently, if the student's parents sign the agreement documents they will lose what may occur with medical services that will be administered to their child without the need of parental permission thereafter.



Anonymous said...

Unwanted? Is this 1950? You people are out of your minds here and when I see that loser Frank Smith in public he's getting an earful from me. Time to crawl out of your sheltered little holes and accept the fact that people DO have sex and it's better to be safe than sorry. What the hell is wrong with you people? Everyone against this measure from Alton Brooks to Jim Sanders (republicans and democrats alike) should be ashamed of themselves for opposing this. In my opinion, it doesn't go far enough... They should be given out to ALL students -- hundreds each day. Don't limit it as the BoE has here.

The ignorance that breeds hatred and misery from the digusting and obnoxious opposition to this is mind blowing. How dare you people call this "unwanted". It's shameful that this is even up for discussion.

Anonymous said...

I am shocked to see that Erin Stewart would go along with such a liberal agenda. What's next for her, becoming a Democrat?

Anonymous said...

The city of New Britain can thank the flip flopm voting of Erin Stewart. From the Republican stand of rejecting the distribution of condoms she switched to vote with her friend Carlos Pina.

I would think that her Republican career is over. TYo vote on such an important topic with the Democratics when most of the relifious community spoke against it is not forgivable.

I personly thought she was betterthan tat. Her daddy, Tim, must be proud of her.

Anonymous said...

And Ra Sheen Brown should be ashamed of himself for taking such a poisonous and inhuman stance on this issue and being so vocal about it. I'm a Democrat and I will never vote for that man again. Some loving Christian he turned out to be.


I was honestly disappointed with Erins vote. We could have stopped the liberals in their tracks.

Politics is a funny game you can get praise one minute and be damned the next.

She voted from her heart and i CAN'T BLAME HER FOR THAT.

Sometimesa vote will live with yo forever.

Anonymous said...

Jim Sanders is a bully who is so out of touch with the electorate in New Britain, it blows my mind he was ever elected in the first place.

Erin Stewart is a woman of intelligence and integrity. As an elected official, Jim should know that the most ethical decisions are not always the most popular. I'm a Democrat and Erin Stewart will always have my vote.

On the other hand, I will volunteer as much time as I can convincing people not to vote for Jim Sanders, Sr., who in my opinion, is nothing but poison.

Anonymous said...

Erins vote will be with her for a long long time.

She shpould resign from the State CentralCommittee and the Republican town committee.Her Republican career is over

TYhe Democrats should embrace here but be careful when you cout on her vote for something.

Anonymous said...

What is this world coming to when Rha Sheen Brown stands with the Republicans and former Mayor Tim Stewart's own daughter stands in solidarity with the most radical wing of the Democratic Party?

Anonymous said...

You people are out of your minds here and when I see that loser Frank Smith in public he's getting an earful from me.


Anonymous said...

Jim Sanders os the most honest person on the BOE. He certainly far from the likesof Doris Kurtz, Fran Wolski and the worse of them all Peter Kochol. The three of them DESTROYED this school district and Kochol quit the BOE mid term, He has confirmed more than once that he is nothing but a loooooser.

Inmr Sanders earlier post it seems to me that was trying to consol Erin.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Sanders is 100% correct. I used to have the utmost respect for young Erin Stewart, but her vote on this one issue has caused me to lose any respect I once had for her. I wonder what got into her?

Anonymous said...

What the people are losing track of is that this is much bigger than just doling out free condoms. In order for a student to get the FREE government condom, his/her parents must first sign over all future parental control of their child's medical issues giving free reign to the school board to give their daughter birth control pills like candy and as many free abortions as she can get knocked up for and it will never again be any of your business how many abortions your 12 year girl gets.

You no longer will have any right to know or ever again be required to consent to any medical procedures some radical liberal at the school board wants to give your son or daughter because you forever waived you parental rights. It is simply never again any of your damn business. Once you sign, your child now is the property of some government bureaucrat.

I can't understand someone like Erin Stewart, who was always thought to be a sensible conservative, going along with such a sweeping government take-over of parental rights over a students health issues. I am shocked to see that someone who considers themselves a conservative Republican would support such massive expansion of government control into the lives of every parent in New Britain.

Anonymous said...

Don't let the 2 absent members off the hook that easily. They apparently didn't have the nerve to go on the record voting one way or the other on this issue, so they stayed home making it possible for this issue to pass. On election day, count them as 2 YES votes!

Anonymous said...

sum it up to say that Ms. Stewart is acting like a RINO.

Anonymous said...

If I read this waiver correctly, it also becomes none of the parents damn business or concern if their child is diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease including A.I.D.S.

It is just no longer any of your business to know because you forever waived that right away as if you sold a used piece of furniture!

Anonymous said...

Erin, what were you thinking?

Anonymous said...

It is evident that she made some kind of a deal with Saavedra, Ayalon and Pina.

She is a sneaky young woman and would not put anything past her. I would have thought that her father would have taght her better,
I am sure he did

Anonymous said...

Apparently the A.C.O.R.N. doesn't fall far from the tree!

Lou Salvio said...

It's truly interesting that all of you brave and erudite commenters make your comments under the hood of anonymity. One is going to give Frank Smith an earful, yet another questions Tim Stewart's fathering. Really interesting. I suggest you all try giving Tim Stewart or his daughter an earful.

Anonymous said...

I can only imagine the colorful language emanating out of the former mayor upon news of his daughter's vote!

Anonymous said...

Personally I think we need MORE people in politics like Ms. Stewart.

We need more people that aren’t afraid to go against their party to vote for what THEY think is right. All of you on this board are hypocrites!!! You get mad at the members of the council that voted for the landlord tax for not going against their party and voting for what they feel, but when Ms. Stewart does it- you chastise her.

Bottom line for all of you armchair QB's and conspiracy theorists- there was NO shady backroom deals made- Ms. Stewart voted what she felt was right- agree / disagree all you want- but personally I have much more respect for the person that does that rather than cast a vote they don’t agree with to "tow the party line"

Erin E. Stewart said...

I can't help but laugh at the same 4 people who comment repeatedly on this blog.

I never claim to be a staunch Republican, never have, i'm a newer generation of Republican and i'm proud of that.

I voted my conscience, and I refuse to be swayed by any party,
I make decisions based on my own personal beliefs, and if you disagree with me, i'm sorry. Perhaps you should have attempted to reach out to me prior to the vote to convince me otherwise.

My number is 860-348-3865 and I am ALWAYS available. You can call me, anytime to discuss this instead of hiding behind the anonimity of a computer keyboard. At least i'm not a coward.

Erin Stewart

Erin E. Stewart said...

I can't help but laugh at the same 4 people who comment repeatedly on this blog.

I never claim to be a staunch Republican, never have, i'm a newer generation of Republican and i'm proud of that.

I voted my conscience, and I refuse to be swayed by any party,
I make decisions based on my own personal beliefs, and if you disagree with me, i'm sorry. Perhaps you should have attempted to reach out to me prior to the vote to convince me otherwise.

My number is 860-348-3865 and I am ALWAYS available. You can call me, anytime to discuss this instead of hiding behind the anonimity of a computer keyboard. At least i'm not a coward.

Erin Stewart

Saul Goode said...

You people sicken me, what Erin did wasnt anything wrong. She did exactly what she was elected to do which is SERVE THE KIDS, listen its not 1945 anymore you old fogies kids are going to have sex and if we can teach them to be safe about it then that's great. But you old timers need to realize that in the age of information where any 13 year old can go to a porn website or see other wild things on the Internet they will "mature faster". So please if you don't have a child like myself or are over 70 stop making a issue out of something YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND

Tim Stewart said...

Comments from people who cannot identify themselves is cowardly and indicative of some personal character flaws! I was always taught that if you have something to say to someone then say it. It sometimes hurts but at the very least the person will know more than presuming something else.

I personally did not agree with my daughters vote that evening and told her so before the meeting. I also recognize that she if from a far different era than myself and most of you who post here. She voted for several reasons and quite frankly I commend her for standing up for what she believed, even if I or others disagreed. For those of you who don't know what that's called it's integrity!

Some of the statements made here about her and others show many peoples lack of character. Pretending to support someone and then ripping them to shreds is exactly why this party is doomed for failure in NB! A far right wing agenda will never endear our candidates to the voters in this town. Moderate,level headed people need to step forward and help us take back this city. (that is if any of them are out there!)

The Community Health Center has been in the schools for many years and provides much needed dental and medical care for the many kids who cannot get it elsewhere. To say that this is a massive expansion of government by voting for condoms is a ridiculous statement. Choosings to sign the consent form does not mean that their kid will be getting birth control pills and abortions in the schools either. The factr is kids are having sex! If this initiative stops one kid from getting an STD or HIV then it will be a success.

So please stop the childish games and name calling. It does nothing more than give the democrats fodder for the next time!

Frank please send me the isp addresses of those posts and I will expose them for who they really are!

Anonymous said...

For those of you who attended inferior public schools, "erudite" means: learned; scholarly

Anonymous said...

My name is Cathy Cheney and I am a registered Republican here in New Britain. As soon as I can get to city hall, I plan to change that affiliation to Independent, precisely because of the kind of vitriolic comments that have been posted here by "faithful Republicans". I am ashamed to be associated with the ultra conservative wing of this party, and as Tim Stewart so correctly pointed out, until level heads rule, the Republicans will never make headway locally or nationally.

Hiding personal attacks behind an anonymous posting is cowardly. If you are so fervent in your beliefs, state your name and do so proudly. We are all entitled to our opinions. And with her vote on this issue, Erin stood up for hers. She researched the topic, asked for input and best of all, she voted her conscience and not the party line. Which is what all of you complain REPEATEDLY that the Democrats on out City Council do. Do you not see the hypocrisy in this?????

I personally applaud Erin for her vote. I personally agree with her. And I personally think that most of the comments here are from ill-informed, ill-advised people who truly have no concept of reality. It crosses many lines to attack her character because you don't agree with her vote. Shame on you!

Anonymous said...

Miss Stewart is a new breed. I congratulate her for making a tough stance.
She is putting the Republican party on the right path! Go Erin!

JIM Sanders Sr. BOE said...

I blogged earlier and used my name. I agree with Erin, Tim and Cathy Cheney. I myself have voted many times on the BOE and lost 9 - 1I personally spoke with Erin that afternoon at length and at the end of our conversation I knew she was going to vote yes for the condoms. I still strongly disagree with her but that doesn't damage my respect for her.

Tim I agree with you that people should use their name but to ask Frank to give you a list of their
esp address would violate their civil rights and almost shut Frank down because that is where 90% of his comments come from.

Anonymous said...

The GOP is dying out because people like the ones who comment on this blog refuse to let independent thinkers be a part of their party. With a record number of independent voters in the country who are less afraid of radical liberals than radical conservatives all you people are doing with your hatred and unwillingness to compromise on small issues is ensuring that liberals such as myself get to enjoy Election Day more and more each and every time

Anonymous said...

If the person who wrote the comment you disagree with is "ANONYMOUS" how do you know for sure he or she is a Republican? If you don't know what the party affiliation, if any, of that person is, how do you know when you change your party registration that you are not actually changing from Republican to the same affiliation as the person you are attempting to flee?

Just wondering?

Anonymous said...

Once again Jim Sanders is proving to be the voice of reason in an otherwise confusing and conflicted world.

Anonymous said...

Ralph Cheney - life long REPUBLICAN
To the anonymous commenter who states that Rejecting the distribution of condoms is a ""Republican stand"" is - dead wrong. You do not have the privilege
or right to make that global claim.
To all other anonymous commenters who chose to attach Board of Ed members for their vote on this issue - - you are cowards and your words are meaningless.
If you want these elected representatives to represent YOU then let them know who you are and what your opinion is.
I am a Republican and happy to support the health clinics desire to provide condoms to those willing to use them. This might lessen the number of 16 year old girls i see pushing baby strollers to school.

Anonymous said...

THIS is why the country is going to crap. NOT because of Obama, and NOT because of Romney. its stupid people treating politics like a sporting event. A person's opinion does not have to align 100% with one party or platform.Its called being an intelligent human and making an intelligent decision. I believe Erin made the right choice, regardless of party...especially in this town where there is a large pregnant youth population. Those who say that she is no longer a Republican because of a single decision need to lighten up and realize that a political party is not a sports team. the sooner you realize this, the better off our country will be. flame on


Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous...sorry. #24, or 25...I've lost count. My assumptions about voter registration is based on the context of the comments, including dismay that Erin "broke ranks" with her party. It is a guess, but it's an educated guess. In any case, my choice to dissociate myself from both major parties is based on my belief that this system no longer works. Most Politicians are more worried about Politics (i.e. who will win the next election) than they are about Governing. We need more elected officials that vote according their consciences and the will of their constituents and not for their own political future.

Cathy Cheney

Anonymous said...

If I am not mistaken, aren't the democrats expect to vote lock step with their leadership 100% of the time?

Anonymous said...

You hardcore Republicans are barking up the wrong tree in New Britain. What do you have to show for yourselves? 2 seats on the Common Council? A city that gave the LARGEST margins by percentage to both Esty and Murphy?

If you're looking to start a Tea Party revolution here, you've come to the wrong place.

"Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good," the saying goes. I know from personal experience that Erin is a dedicated Republican and she has probably worked harder and done more than most of you brave "anonymous" conservative bloviators have ever done for any Republican candidate. For you to condemn her over a vote that sensibly represents the best interests of the vast majority of the constituency she represents (which is the people of New Britain, not the Republican Party of New Britain for the not so swift reading this) is asinine.

Your obstinance is what is sinking the party in our country. And the radical elements of the GOP aren't the sole offenders here, the Democrats have their share of extremists as well, but if you want to throw out Erin Stewart, who I'll liken to Scott Brown for the sake of this discussion, to have her replaced by some Democrat apparatchik, like Elizabeth Warren, because she disagreed with you one time, is the best thing you can do to assure your continued irrelevance in municipal politics in New Britain.

Anonymous said...

I say GOOD for the board of Ed and their decision. If parents were more parents then friends to their kids now a days teenage pregnancy wouldn't be so high to begin with. GOOD FOR ERIN STEWART for standing up for her beliefs and not going with the majority. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK ERIN N.B Schools are LUCKY to have you on their side.

Anonymous said...

Despite the recent election, the majority of Americans still oppose Obama-care.

New Britain Republicans don't expect our party's Board Members to lead a Tea Party revolution here, any more than we expect them to share the same beliefs as Sandra Fluke.

We do expect them be somewhere in between, which is why we're naturally surprised, and somewhat disappointed when we learn that they're not.

Anonymous said...

" I agree with Mr. Cheney. Remember the separation of Church and State. Also, for those of you who are so concerned about who pays. Well, who continues to pay for the children having children? How many services and for how many years to a lifetime are we paying for with the lack of parenting skills and affordability by children having children? Let's not even begin to mention all of the costs incurred there. Our budgets and taxes are affected at every level thanks to the consequences of this type of behavior. Never mind STD's and possible death of someone's loved one through unprotected sex. Death. Yes---in the idealistic world, young people would abstain until they are physically, emotionally, and financially ready to completely understand how sex can impact your life. While I would not argue with the arguement on morals/values nor do I condone risky behavior at any age , it is just not the real world of today. I, also, do not think condoms promote sexual promiscuity but it certainly can prevent the negative effects of unprotected sex. I am sure this was an extremely difficult issue to address by the members of our BD of ED and no matter how they voted I must give them all alot of credit for addressing it in the first place. "


Anonymous said...

Mayor Stewart is is correct in his assertion that:

.."To say that this is a massive expansion of government by voting for condoms is a ridiculous statement."..

The truth is that voting for condoms is another incremental step toward a massive expansion of government.

Incrementally is how democratic governments are transformed into socialistic ones.

Anonymous said...

The last post is 100% correct that socialists incrementally expand one small encroachment into our lives at a time, and as in communist regimes that have occurred all over the world, one day you wake up and don't believe what has happened to your country. If you doubt me, go up to Broad Street and start talking to some of the Polish immigrants who came here to flee communism in their country and ask them if they see any similarities to what happened in their country.

Anonymous said...

I was at the BOE meeting Monday and was honestly shocked whenRev Brown stood there and condoned the distbution of condoms.

I would have thought that he would not openly CONDONE SIN, or pre-marital sex,

What are our churches coning to ?

Anonymous said...

For some it would seem that radical extremist politics is more important than the bible these days.

James Craven said...

Ms. Stewart made a wise and intelligent decision and unapologetically stands by it. If more politicians (whether Republican or Democrat) had such integrity, the world might be a better place.

She will soon learn, if she has not already, that those who stand and shout from behind the screen of anonymity (most of whom are likely the blog owner) are better off ignored.

As for those who would doubt her father’s pride in her, I love to see them say that to his face. Heck, I would even buy a ticket.

Keep up the good work, Erin.

Frank Smith said...

I am disappointed in Mr. Craven's comments.

I used to believe that as a professional journalist, Mr. Craven didn't write anything until he knew the facts, but after his comments suggesting that I as the blog owner am responsible for the public comments that many of you have posted, I am starting to believe otherwise.

If Mr. Craven is a regular reader of this blog, then he should have known that when I post something like a comment, I either sign it FS. or post my picture along with it.

Additionally, may chose make a frank smith editorial that doesn't require a signature.

I guess life is full of disappointments.

Anonymous said...

Why are you bashing an idea that will hopefully stop some STD's and hopefully more importantly stop these babies from making more welfare babies and embarrassing this town further with ignorant pajama people babies. Id rather give out condoms than watch another hoodrat pop out a troublemaker who I in the long run have to deal with and pay for.

Anonymous said...

"For some it would seem that radical extremist politics is more important than the bible these days."

The Pilgrims came to this country primarily to escape being told that they could not practice their own religious beliefs. Our founding Fathers understood that freedom of religion was a basic right and wisely wrote our Constitution to reflect that. In this increasingly diverse country, we must continue to uphold that right and to recognize that even among Christians, the Bible is interpreted differently. To insist that public policy be written to uphold one group's interpretation of the Bible, or any other Holy Scripture is in itself "radically extreme". In very simplistic terms, the world would be a much better place if we no longer pitted religion against religion and stopped using it as an excuse for dissension and violence.

Cathy Cheney

Anonymous said...

Mr,Craven should really know Ms Stewart.

She is a loose cannon. If she is an indignation of what our younger generation is, then God help us.

She hasn't told the truth all the time. She is a manipulator and only says thing that she, and only she, will benefit her,

Anonymous said...

If we are going to quote Pilgrims and our founding fathers, they also came here to start a new country with limited government. I believe the founding fathers would be doing somersaults in their graves over the idea of government condoms.

Anonymous said...

I'm not going to argue my feelings about condoms, the Constitution , or anyone's right to follow their own beliefs. What shocks and saddens me most about his whole "discussion" is the vile tone. One or more cowards are using this forum to make incredibly hateful remarks & accusations against Erin Stewart because they disagree with her vote. This behavior is abhorrent. Unfortunately, it seems to be the way we Americans react to elections and political decisions we don't like. I feel sorry for those of who who live with such hatred in your hearts that you feel the need to spread it around. Sadly, hatred is the fuel that ignites groups like the KKK, the Taliban and Al Queda. Cowardly venom disguised as religion or a politcal philosophy. Shame on you for not being able to disagree respectfully.

Cathy Cheney

Anonymous said...

"""She hasn't told the truth all the time. She is a manipulator and only says thing that she, and only she, will benefit her,"""

To the anonymous coward writing the above statement

Sign your name to your writing so we can be assured that you do in fact know Ms. Stewart and your comments have some degree of credibility. Otherwise your words are meaningless and come from a coward whose only goal is to manipulate others. It is you who is trying to manipulate to your own benefit. You have the audacity to accuse others of the personal character flaws that you have in abundance???

Ralph Cheney

Lou Salvio said...

" Anonymous said...
Mr,Craven should really know Ms Stewart.

She is a loose cannon. If she is an indignation of what our younger generation is, then God help us.

She hasn't told the truth all the time. She is a manipulator and only says thing that she, and only she, will benefit her,

November 10, 2012 9:42 AM"

The person that made the comment quoted above is as ignorant as he/she is illiterate, You "sir/ma'am" stoop to ad hominem attacks on Miss Stewart instead of commenting intelligently on the issue. If you are a member of the "older generation", then it is from you that God must save us.

Matthew Cannata said...

Who cares if someone is a Republican or Democrat? Just because they are something doesn't mean they have to vote that way!

That is what is wrong with this city and this country. People are too afraid to stick up for their own beliefs and just follow the party lines all the time. That leads to corruption, backstabbing, backdoor politics, hidden agendas, and the list goes on and on.

Why can't anything ever get done in Washington and in cities and towns across the country? It's because one party can't stand the other and they all gang up and band together.

This city and this country needs more people like Erin, who are not afraid to vote for what they believe in!

Anonymous said...

I am disappointed in Mr. Craven's comments.

I used to believe that as a professional journalist, Mr. Craven didn't write anything until he knew the facts, but after his comments suggesting that I as the blog owner am responsible for the public comments that many of you have posted, I am starting to believe otherwise.

If Mr. Craven is a regular reader of this blog, then he should have known that when I post something like a comment, I either sign it FS. or post my picture along with it.

Additionally, may chose make a frank smith editorial that doesn't require a signature.

I guess life is full of disappointments.

FRANK, what would you expect from someone who used to work for such a left wing newspaper?

Anonymous said...

This country is FREE and you can say most anything you want.

What is wrong with Tony Cane, Paul Carver and Jim Sanders voicing their oponion.

You are controdicting everything you wrote. Typical Liberal. Everyone is wacked but you.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

This country is FREE and you can say most anything you want.

What is wrong with Tony Cane, Paul Carver and Jim Sanders voicing their oponion.

You are controdicting everything you wrote. Typical Liberal. Everyone is wacked but you.

Liberals believe in free speech only for fellow liberals. As soon as you disagree with their liberal extremism, they will do anything they can to silence you. In the liberal utopian society, everyone must think exactly the same as if we were all robots programed to support socialism.

Aunt Sady said...

Free speech means that you celebrate someone else's freedom to condemn even that which you have spent your entire life supporting.

Anonymous said...

This condomnation of N.B.H.S. by the
Libs on the school board does nothing but lower the school's brand.

Anonymous said...

this seems to be the story that just keeps coming back!

Anonymous said...

Hopefuully the voters in New Britain will remember what Carlos Pina, Aram Ayalon anda Saavedra have done to the school system by taking away the rights of the parents.

Saavedra even offering up he daughter for the exoerirament.

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