Saturday, December 8, 2012

It’s Just Plain Wrong

"What else Did Mayor O'Brien Lie to us about?"


Anonymous said...

"come clean on its own"........Ya, sure.

Anonymous said...

You mean the mayor actually spoke personally about a subject and didn't let the defacto mayor Sherwood do all the speaking for him? I must have fallen asleep and missed the apparently one and only time where the mayor didn't have laryngitis.

Anonymous said...

The Federal Housing of Urban Development (HUD) has denied a block grant to Mayor Tim O'Brien's office for the hiring of Briggette Brown, as a community organizer, because it is a “conflict of interest” even though the mayor had previously claimed that HUD is paying for the position. The conflict came about because Brown’s husband Rha-Sheen Brown is on the New Britain common council.

A city counselor is in a position to make decisions regarding the CDBG funding so it is clearly a conflict of interest, said Rhonda Siciliano, public affairs office for the HUD New England Region. Siciliano also stated it was last summer that Mr.O’Brien was told of the conflict of interest issue in hiring Briggette Brown.

Anonymous said...

I can only hope that the
Republicans are keeping a long list of all of Mayors O'Brien/Sherwood shady shenanigans and will use it against them in the next election. The average Democrat does not know and/or care about their wrongdoings.

It is up to the Republicans to get all of this material into their homes in hopes that they will read it before it gets trashed! They may not read the newspapers. How else will they learn that O'Brien was a terrible choice?

I am surprised that John McNamara, long time [ too long] Chairman of the Democratic Town Committee has the nerve to show his face in public.

As for the Republicans, shame on you. You do not support your party. You do not give generous donations. You do not show up to make the calls and do the work. Only 43% of you even bothered to vote.

Anonymous said...

I love the photo of N'Obrien that the City Journal used. It makes him look like a total brainless idiot!

Anonymous said...

The camera doesn't lie.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't vote for this clown if he were running for dog catcher.

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