Tuesday, December 18, 2012

New Britain Might Vote Friday On Landlord Fees - Courant.com



Frank Smith said...

Meeting at the city hall was postponed. Notice was placed on the city hall common council door.

The clerk for the common council was not alerted of the cancellation and appeared at the locked council door.

Anonymous said...

The New Britain Landlord Fees dispute has taken on political overtones. Former Mayor Timothy Stewart and GOP Town Chairman Dwight Blint are among some of the outspoken opponents of the fees. One faction of landlords has been declaring that O'Brien, a Democrat, should be voted out next November.

O'Brien and 11 of the 13 Democratic Common Council members have stood firmly behind the fees, and Democratic Town Chairman John McNamara has repeatedly said the Landlord Fees are legal.

Anonymous said...

On Friday, December 15, 2012, a day Governor Malloy has declared a state-wide day of mourning for the tragic shooting in Newtown.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
On Friday, December 21, 2012, a day Governor Dannel Malloy has declared a CT state-wide day of mourning and reflection for the tragic shooting in Newtown, CT, the New Britain Council is expected to vote Friday night on the revised Landlord Fees after its Planning, Zoning & Housing Committee reviews the measure at the public hearing ?

Anonymous said...

The move to Friday night public hearing is pathetic. It shows blatant disrespect for the governors day of mourning and reflection. We call on the council members to voice their displeasure, and the mayor to do the right thing and cancel Fridays meeting.

Anonymous said...

What makes you think the mayor would do the best thing for the City? This mayor only does the best thing for him politically?

Anonymous said...

Is that the same clerk that held a Friday night council meeting behind locked doors?

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