Sunday, February 24, 2013

Could it be Clinton and Obama in 2016? :: Minute Men News


Anonymous said...

Both Hilary Clinton and President Obama were students of Saul Alinsky teachings, Hillary did her College term paper on Saul Alinsky's socalists teachings.

Anonymous said...

You know folks, we have been commenting on many issues for a long time now... on Post a Comment on Frank Smith Says NB. While some of us have posted our disapproval of this guy Obama and some of his tactics, as well as trampling all over the constitution and what have we accomplished ? This administration can lie and break laws and get people killed as in the Benghazi case and the Fast & Furious case.

Anonymous said...

Many Americans would like to believe, barring an unlikely repeal of the 22nd amendment to the U.S. Constitution Barack Obama would never be able to run on a Presidential ticket again.

However, given the Democrat Party’s addiction to stretching and twisting U.S. laws to steal political victories when failure is imminent, Americans cannot ignore the very real possibility of a Clinton/Obama ticket in 2016 ?

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