Saturday, February 23, 2013

The O’Brien administration is scaring the taxpayers by their suggesting the sale of the water department.


The city’s grand list of taxable properties has declined 17%, raising property owners concerns as to where the administration will obtain the sufficient income without raising taxes as promised by Mayor O’Brien.
The newspaper accounts of the possibility that the city will sell its water department has city residents talking, raising concerns and asking why is the city planning to sell this valuable asset?

The real fact behind this leaked story to the public by the administration is to hide their real intent of wanting to sell the parking garages to an unnamed vendor.

That deceitful approach by the administration is despicable especially with the school administration announcing that it is seeking an additional twenty million dollars to their annual budget from the city.

The aforementioned has made conversations around town real interesting in attempting to understand how our mayor will succeed with his promise to not raise taxes, even with the sale of the garages, while satisfying the Board of Education’s enormous request.


Anonymous said...

Maybe the new owners will be able to provide security in the garages at night.

Anonymous said...

Zherka 2013!

Anonymous said...


When asked the mayor has stated there is no plan to sell Nb Water Dept or reservoirs. I don't know why Robin keeps printing it as if there is a still a question.

The BOE is not going to get the $20 million and the BOE has acknowledged this. The issue here is the Malloy is pouring money into the schools and diverting some money away from the city. Just watch. The New Britain delegation in Hartford will get the money put back in the budget without taking away from the school. This will allow the mayor and council to continue the current spending levels, have the BOE see the largest increase they've ever seen in one year, while revaluation will lower taxes on most single family homes. Why don't you think there hasn't been a credible candidate from the GOP talking about running for mayor? This is a pocketbook town that votes dem unless prodded. I fear all the negative press from Zherka and Robin just won't be enough to overcome the fact that most people will see their mortgages go down.
If the mayor is going to sell the water we should try to stop it. But if we keep asking a question the mayor has said no to, and very clearly when I asked, we will look like fools and lose credibility like Robin has.

Anonymous said...

What is scary is that the people actually elected these clowns.

Anonymous said...

How do you know the grand list dropped by 17%?

I don't think the list is final yet.

Anonymous said...

To the commenter who state that O'Brien said he will not sell the water department,this guy lies through his teeth!They have had conversations with MDC about this issue and nothing is concrete yet? He also has met with LAZ parking and they are in the process of making an offer to the city to take control of the parking garages and on street parking revenue streams.
If you think that Robin is losing credibility then you obviously do not know the NB electorate! Keep up the questions Robin they are getting to these lawbreakers at city hall!

Anonymous said...

If you think Robin is losing credibility then I think you must be a loyal reader of the Herald and probably even own your own copy of Sol Alinky's "Rules For Radicals"

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