Sunday, June 23, 2013

Erin to Be Our New Mayor!

Many people I have spoken with regarding this exciting new campaign are happy that someone is challenging our carpetbagger mayor. Some say she may be too young, but Torrington's Mayor was first elected 8 years ago at the age of 22 and he is still the Mayor in that City and doing a good job of it. Some exciting new differences that Erin brings to the table is that she is a college graduate, born in this city, served on many city boards and commissions, and is a current Board of Education Member. Our real problem as both citizens and taxpayers is the fact that our current Mayor possesses little educational background (reportedly only attended one semester at Central before washing out) and has virtually no experience (unless you count his high level career as a grocery bagger at a local supermarket). What major corporation with a roughly $250 million annual operating budget would hire a grocery bagger with virtually no formal education to be their CEO? It is this total lack of any experience in the mayor’s office that is leading our city into a fiscal disaster. Some people are saying that anyone would be a better choice than the Mayor we have now, but Erin is an educated and experienced individual more than capable of fulfilling the duties as our city's Chief Executive and leading our city off its current course that is destined for failure.


Anonymous said...

"Stewart for Mayor" she doesn't have to buy new lawn signs he dad's will just do fine.

Go Erin Go.....

Anonymous said...

You meant her dad's signs will do fine for her capaign.

Anonymous said...

you forgot to mention that she doesn't have creepy, slimy palms either!

Anonymous said...

The only way she will win is if her supporters go full force. Do you have it in you?

Anonymous said...

Seriously, if only we could press the reset button. We could do better than her. Erin's extremely young and she will hurt her chances of getting elected in the future. If only we could find an more mature and seasoned Republican or even a conservative democrat we would be better off.

Few people in her close circles thinks she has a chance although they are routing for her.

Anonymous said...

you forgot to mention she ran because no one else would!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

you forgot to mention she ran because no one else would!

Why would anyone in their right mind want to run so they can be blamed for all the destruction and devestation these radical socialists are causing to the city?

Anonymous said...

Erin is young, and she is smart, and she is gracious.

I actually think she's bringing a lot to the table. She will be able to bring in some energy, charisma, brains and INTEGRITY AND HONESTY into New Britain..... Not like the underhanded, lying, negative, passive aggressive and obviously corrupt Tim O'Brien.

By the way Tim; I'm still waiting for you to pay back the hundred grand you stole to payoff Roy Occhiogrosso.

Hope. Still haven't forgotten.

Anonymous said...

You mean she won't hire a paid agitator to run the entire city like the totally inept and incompetent mayor we have now who delegates everything to the community organizer because the mayor doesn't have the sense to even know how to get out of the rain?

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous #5 commenter:

You must be working for Sherwood/O'Brien ... you can't write coherently or spell. That's what gives you away.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous #5 commenter:

You must be working for Sherwood/O'Brien ... you can't write coherently or spell. That's what gives you away.

June 24, 2013 at 7:44 AM

...Obviously a graduate of an inferior union run public school. Had this person been given the opportunity of school choice and chosen to attend a superior non-union private school, they might even be able to form coherent sentences.

Anonymous said...

You used too many big words. There are not too many Democrats that will be able to read such difficult wording. If you want Democrats to understand, you must use a "see spot run" level of comprehension.

Anonymous said...

(reportedly only attended one semester at Central before washing out)

That's a pretty good trick: flunk out of school and become mayor of a major city!

Anonymous said...

Does that mean we have a "FLUNKIE" for a mayor?

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