Thursday, August 22, 2013

Former Alderman Tells the Herald Editor Off

lou salvio wrote on Aug 22, 2013 7:48 AM:

" The Herald is providing a nice service to its readers by printing these profiles of candidates that are running in the November Municipal Election. The Herald deserves praise for this. I don't know Rha Sheen Brown personally and I'M sure his profile is accurate. I am going to take some license here however to write something that I feel is a disservice to the readers of the Herald.

Some of you may remember that I write letters to the Herald frequently; The Herald has allowed me to do this for over 40 years and I thank them for that.

When I became a candidate for office last week, I learned of a new Herald "POLICY." I had submitted a letter to the editor before I was endorsed but, the letter never appeared; this is when I learned of the new policy, namely, The Herald will no longer print letters to the editor from candidates for office. The Herald is privately owned and can run its paper however it pleases, that is understood. As a long time letter writer however, I feel that the Herald is engaging in de facto censorship of candidates, indiscriminately!

Tim O'Brien is also an announced candidate for Mayor in the November election. Yet, every day in every issue of The Herald, everything O'Brien or his paid - by taxpayer dollars - mouthpieces say to the Herald is printed. Today, O'Brien even got his picture printed in the Herald while he was supposedly signing his name to Policewoman Saccente's promotion. To me, this is biased, special consideration given by the Herald to candidate O'Brien while the Herald censor's me and potentially, all other candidates for office. All candidates shall be limited to a Herald profile. "



Anonymous said...

Lou, that is why I stopped reading that rag long ago. I believe they are so one sided they are in danger of tipping over.

Anonymous said...

Lou, that is why I stopped reading that rag long ago. I believe they are so one sided they are in danger of tipping over.

Anonymous said...

Is that the same Lib Dem Editor who was arrested for shoplifting beer?

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should try submitting your letters to the City Journal, the paper that actually prints the news without endless liberal spin on each article!

Lou Salvio said...


It was not my intention to "tell off" the Herald. I have great respect for the person (editor) to whom I submit my letters. If you look at the Herald on line today you will see that the same people who post nasty comments aimed at me are alive and active, they even submit their comments at about the same time. They call themselves, Dana, washing machine and rem dog.

You will notice however that while the Herald asks that commenters not subject other commenters to name calling and abuse, they leave it up to abused persons to report that abuse.

Lou Salvio said...


It was not my intention to "tell off" the Herald. I have great respect for the person (editor) to whom I submit my letters. If you look at the Herald on line today you will see that the same people who post nasty comments aimed at me are alive and active, they even submit their comments at about the same time. They call themselves, Dana, washing machine and rem dog.

You will notice however that while the Herald asks that commenters not subject other commenters to name calling and abuse, they leave it up to abused persons to report that abuse.

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