Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The New Britain Police Commission Approves Road Closures

At Last night's Police Commission meeting the commissioners approved the  road closure for the OKTOBERFEST.  State approvals for the affair will soon follow because Governor Malloy Supports Mayor O'Brien's whims.

It would be better to move this weekend affair to Falcon field preventing the closure of the city's businesses who need to pay their taxes in order to keep New Britain funded with its tax income.



Anonymous said...

It is hard to understand why our tax dollars would be used to encourage people by the thousands to drink. How many of the people are going to drive home after? How many might get injured or killed at the hands of these potential drunk drivers?

Anonymous said...

Will O'Brien be handing out beer funnels as a campaign item?

Anonymous said...

What is it with these comments about drinking. I bet you complain about Halloween with all the kids that will have to go to the dentist and will also have weight issues with all the candy they will

Anonymous said...

Kids don't guzzle bear and then get in their cars and drive while intoxicated, now do they? And your tax dollars are not being spent to encourage the kids to eat the candy, but they are being spent to encourage people to drink, aren't they?

Anonymous said...

If you are so concerned about how the tax dollars are being spent....why don't we encourage our government to provide us citizens with an itemized budget.

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