Saturday, October 31, 2009


Timothy "Tim" Stewart--Mayor

Cheryl Blogoslawski--Tax Collector

Thomas Salwocki--Treasurer

Peter Denuzze--Town and City Clerk

Mark Bernacki--Alderman-At-Large

Louis Salvio--Alderman-At-Large

Dwight Blint--Alderman-At-Large

Jamie Giantonio--Alderman-At-Large

Marco Villa--Alderman-At-Large

Wilfredo "Willie" Pabon--Alderman-Ward One

Mary Marrocco--Alderman-Ward One

Julie Swan--Alderman-Ward Two

Alphonse Wright--Alderman-Ward Two

Adam Platosz--Alderman-Ward Two

Dennis Bryant--Alderman-Ward Three

Jason Gibson--Alderman-Ward Three

Craig Diangelo--Alderman-Ward Four

Don Naples--Alderman-Ward Four

Iwona Rutkowski--Alderman-Ward Five

Kevin Nodell--Alderman-Ward Five

Paul Carver--Board of Education

Judy Greco--Board of Education

Anthony Kane--Board of Education

Mary Lou Sanders--Board of Assessment Appeals

Tom Talalaj--Board of Assessment Appeals


Anonymous said...

As for The Herald's article today w/ regard to Mayor Stewart's pension and the three non-New Britain reps who, all of a sudden have such an interest in this issue, it makes me wonder what local connections do they currently have to exhibit such a keen interest in it---all of a sudden. When it comes to politics in Connecticut I gave two reporters some advice years ago and that was, "Nothing is ever as it seems" and I bet that will hold out here w/ these three reps. Anyhow, my opinion on Mayor Stewart's pension or any other City worker who serves my City )or any City, State, or the USA) in a continual and successive manner regardless of the position that they hold to do that should be allowed to accrue time toward the pension system.

Now, as for the NB Herald article w/ regard to candidate Marco Villa and his health. I suggest MR. Villa look into what legal standing he may have as it relates to a HIPPA VIOLATION with regard to the "anonymous" person who relayed personal medical info and as it relays to the Herald for reporting it. We walked the line of a HIPPA violation w/ regards to the health department's new location an election or two ago and we still wish to walk that line. Shame on all politicians involved in these matters each time they do it to each other and shame on the Herald for reporting it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No mention of Kevin Nodell, (R) Ward 5.
What gives?

Anonymous said...

Tom Talhaja is also running for the board of assessment appeals. Kevin Nodell and Irona Rutkowski are missing. Is Platosh running with the republicans?

Anonymous said...

I had written to both party Chairs for their candidates bios and pictures. The only one that answered was the RTC Chair.

Regarding Alderman Platosz he sent in his bio and picture directly to me and is a Democrat and not a Republican as was suggested or questioned.

frank smith

Anonymous said...


The very first comment on this blog speaks to the Herald article in which State Rep. Caruso and two other reps criticized our Mayor for accessing what is legally due to him.
Well guess where Greg Gerratana is working these days? He's working at the Capitol for Caruso; hmmmm! Let's see, Gerratana, Caruso, criticize the Mayor of NB!!!! Is there a connection/pattern here?

Anonymous said...

The very first comment on this blog speaks to the Herald article in which State Rep. Caruso and two other reps criticized our Mayor for accessing what is legally due to him.
Well guess where Greg Gerratana is working these days? He's working at the Capitol for Caruso; hmmmm! Let's see, Gerratana, Caruso, criticize the Mayor of NB!!!! Is there a connection/pattern here?


Anonymous said...

The remaining 10 Democrats have expressed some concern that having a supermajority might be in jeopardy.

Anonymous said...


Why no review for Iwona Rutkowski or Kevin Nodell from Ward 5?

Do they expect us to vote for them when we know nothing about them?

Could they not take the 10 minutes to write up a review so the residents they hope to represent know at least a little something about them? Is this silence a commentary on what we can expect if they win the election?

I would like to vote for these people, but I won’t vote for someone who I don’t know will represent me properly.

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