Sunday, October 31, 2010
Who Does DeFronzo Represent?
Currently, the 6th State Senate District is represented by Don DeFronzo. The City of New Britain and the Towns of Berlin and Farmington comprise the 6th State Senate District. Of these three, New Britain has the largest population and is considered an urban center. Berlin and Farmington are larger in area only and are considered to be suburban. DeFronzo is a native and resident of New Britain.
Of the three communities, New Britain’s problems are monstrous in comparison: higher unemployment rate; major problems with a dysfunctional education system; higher rate of poverty and a much higher proportion of minority populations. These disparities are all interrelated as contributing factors in creating the city’s problems.
New Britain is making a concerted effort to rebuild its downtown business district, an effort which has the potential of creating jobs, thereby decreasing unemployment and poverty and giving a positive lift to education. One might think that our State Senator would be advocating for the largest town in the district, the town with the greatest problems; to the contrary, DeFronzo is more interested in helping Bristol.
One of the keys to our downtown development plan is local transportation that has the potential to link NB to surrounding communities. For over a decade a New Britain/Hartford Busway project has been in the planning and, while plans are complete and while the Busway is considered a “shovel ready project” that would figure totally in NB’s development efforts, the final funding piece (Federal Funds) though promised, has yet to arrive.
In today’s Herald, DeFronzo dumps on the Busway project claiming that it would isolate NB from the proposed Hartford/Springfield. Not true! Plus, the New Haven/Hartford/Springfield rail line won’t be a reality for many, many years.
Since DeFronzo cares little about and has turned his back on his home town of New Britain, the people of New Britain should turn their backs on him. All DeFronzo cares about now is getting Malloy elected so he can in turn get a cushy state job. Rumor has it, DeFronzo is looking to be DOT Commissioner or a job at OPM.
Currently, the 6th State Senate District is represented by Don DeFronzo. The City of New Britain and the Towns of Berlin and Farmington comprise the 6th State Senate District. Of these three, New Britain has the largest population and is considered an urban center. Berlin and Farmington are larger in area only and are considered to be suburban. DeFronzo is a native and resident of New Britain.
Of the three communities, New Britain’s problems are monstrous in comparison: higher unemployment rate; major problems with a dysfunctional education system; higher rate of poverty and a much higher proportion of minority populations. These disparities are all interrelated as contributing factors in creating the city’s problems.
New Britain is making a concerted effort to rebuild its downtown business district, an effort which has the potential of creating jobs, thereby decreasing unemployment and poverty and giving a positive lift to education. One might think that our State Senator would be advocating for the largest town in the district, the town with the greatest problems; to the contrary, DeFronzo is more interested in helping Bristol.
One of the keys to our downtown development plan is local transportation that has the potential to link NB to surrounding communities. For over a decade a New Britain/Hartford Busway project has been in the planning and, while plans are complete and while the Busway is considered a “shovel ready project” that would figure totally in NB’s development efforts, the final funding piece (Federal Funds) though promised, has yet to arrive.
In today’s Herald, DeFronzo dumps on the Busway project claiming that it would isolate NB from the proposed Hartford/Springfield. Not true! Plus, the New Haven/Hartford/Springfield rail line won’t be a reality for many, many years.
Since DeFronzo cares little about and has turned his back on his home town of New Britain, the people of New Britain should turn their backs on him. All DeFronzo cares about now is getting Malloy elected so he can in turn get a cushy state job. Rumor has it, DeFronzo is looking to be DOT Commissioner or a job at OPM.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Barrack Obama in Bridgeport: The Lies Continue!
Barrack Obama told a group of hecklers today in Bridgeport that they should be directing their questions about World AIDS funding to the Republicans, when in fact George W. Bush spent more on AIDS funding than any other president--more than twice that of Bill Clinton.
Even more disturbing is how Obama told a crowd at a fundraiser for Barbara Boxer that he agrees with the repeal of Bill Clinton's discriminatory "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy. But if this is true, then why is it that Obama's Justice Department has fought so hard to maintain "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" as the law of the land?
As you may recall, on September 10, U.S. District Judge Virginia Phillips overturned "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" by ruling that it violates the First and Fifth Amendments.
The response of the Obama adminitration reportedly was to immediately strong arm the judge in an attempt to get her to reverse her ruling and claim she made an error in her original ruling.
When this tactic failed, the Obama Administration immediately ran to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals and got that Court to issue a stay against the Military Department from allowing openly gay troops from serving. The military literally was welcoming gays on one day (in observance of Judge Phillips' order) and back to the policy of discharging them from service for being gay the next day, because of the order obtained by the Obama Administration on October 25.
After taking such extraordinary actions to pursue the continued discrimination against gays by the federal government, Obama is shown on a CNN video saying he agrees that "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" should be repealed, when in fact it was his administration that worked so aggressively to reinstate it after the Court invalidated it.
Barrack Obama told a group of hecklers today in Bridgeport that they should be directing their questions about World AIDS funding to the Republicans, when in fact George W. Bush spent more on AIDS funding than any other president--more than twice that of Bill Clinton.
Even more disturbing is how Obama told a crowd at a fundraiser for Barbara Boxer that he agrees with the repeal of Bill Clinton's discriminatory "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy. But if this is true, then why is it that Obama's Justice Department has fought so hard to maintain "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" as the law of the land?
As you may recall, on September 10, U.S. District Judge Virginia Phillips overturned "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" by ruling that it violates the First and Fifth Amendments.
The response of the Obama adminitration reportedly was to immediately strong arm the judge in an attempt to get her to reverse her ruling and claim she made an error in her original ruling.
When this tactic failed, the Obama Administration immediately ran to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals and got that Court to issue a stay against the Military Department from allowing openly gay troops from serving. The military literally was welcoming gays on one day (in observance of Judge Phillips' order) and back to the policy of discharging them from service for being gay the next day, because of the order obtained by the Obama Administration on October 25.
After taking such extraordinary actions to pursue the continued discrimination against gays by the federal government, Obama is shown on a CNN video saying he agrees that "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" should be repealed, when in fact it was his administration that worked so aggressively to reinstate it after the Court invalidated it.
House Forecasts: 'Historic Bloodbath'
Reviewing the House Forecasts According to Taegen Goddard's Political Wire:
Larry Sabato: "We are raising the total to +55 net R seats. We consider 47 to be in the ballpark still, but more of a floor than a ceiling."
Charlie Cook: "House outlook is a Democratic net loss of 48 to 60 seats, with higher losses possible."
Stuart Rothenberg: "House Democrats appear headed for a historic bloodbath... We estimate likely GOP House gains at 55 to 65 seats, with gains at or above 70 seats possible."
Nate Silver: "The model's best guess is that the new Congress will be composed of 203 Democrats and 232 Republicans: a net gain of 53 seats for the G.O.P. In addition, Democratic odds of retaining the House dropped to 17% from 20%."
It's interesting to note that Political Wire contributor Harry Enten forecast a GOP takeover on the House back in February noting "the Republicans could easily gain 50-60 seats from their current 178. Gains of greater than 60 seats also look quite possible."
Larry Sabato: "We are raising the total to +55 net R seats. We consider 47 to be in the ballpark still, but more of a floor than a ceiling."
Charlie Cook: "House outlook is a Democratic net loss of 48 to 60 seats, with higher losses possible."
Stuart Rothenberg: "House Democrats appear headed for a historic bloodbath... We estimate likely GOP House gains at 55 to 65 seats, with gains at or above 70 seats possible."
Nate Silver: "The model's best guess is that the new Congress will be composed of 203 Democrats and 232 Republicans: a net gain of 53 seats for the G.O.P. In addition, Democratic odds of retaining the House dropped to 17% from 20%."
It's interesting to note that Political Wire contributor Harry Enten forecast a GOP takeover on the House back in February noting "the Republicans could easily gain 50-60 seats from their current 178. Gains of greater than 60 seats also look quite possible."
Some the State Candidates for Elective office have accepted endorsements from the WORKING FAMILIES PARTY! The State Legislature should not "Allow" The Fusion of votes on both lines to be added together.
Acorn’s CEO Bertha Lewis has been on your TV News for the past several years denouncing the investigations by several State Attorneys General of the fraudulent tactics generated by Acorn using monies provided by Congress and the alleged elections fraud.
What Ms. Lewis neglects to point out is that she is also the co-chair of the Working Families Party in New York. Here in New Britain, the Working Families Party has endorsed several of the Democratic endorsed slate--citing that by their accepting the endorsement, they agree to promote all the radical ideology that this organization supports during their tenure in office. Glenn Beck recently quoted Ms. Lewis on this subject: "Candidates know that when they’re on our line, they’re committed to certain things,” explains Bertha Lewis, who moonlights as WFP co-chair and New York ACORN executive director. Speaking days before Hillary won her Senate seat in 2000, Lewis noted, “Hillary knows that if she wins, we’re going to be knocking’ on her door. She won’t be able to hide.”
Is the Democratic candidate for Governor going to answer Berta's knock on the governor's door if elected?
Do you really want your city or state run by candidates who have committed to answering the door when Bertha Lewis and her disciples come knocking?
Some the State Candidates for Elective office have accepted endorsements from the WORKING FAMILIES PARTY! The State Legislature should not "Allow" The Fusion of votes on both lines to be added together.
Acorn’s CEO Bertha Lewis has been on your TV News for the past several years denouncing the investigations by several State Attorneys General of the fraudulent tactics generated by Acorn using monies provided by Congress and the alleged elections fraud.
What Ms. Lewis neglects to point out is that she is also the co-chair of the Working Families Party in New York. Here in New Britain, the Working Families Party has endorsed several of the Democratic endorsed slate--citing that by their accepting the endorsement, they agree to promote all the radical ideology that this organization supports during their tenure in office. Glenn Beck recently quoted Ms. Lewis on this subject: "Candidates know that when they’re on our line, they’re committed to certain things,” explains Bertha Lewis, who moonlights as WFP co-chair and New York ACORN executive director. Speaking days before Hillary won her Senate seat in 2000, Lewis noted, “Hillary knows that if she wins, we’re going to be knocking’ on her door. She won’t be able to hide.”
Is the Democratic candidate for Governor going to answer Berta's knock on the governor's door if elected?
Do you really want your city or state run by candidates who have committed to answering the door when Bertha Lewis and her disciples come knocking?
Mean Spirited Council Majority Leader.
A resolution submitted by Phil Sherwood at last night's council meeting: Purchases from city Officials: "The purchases any supplies and contractual services from city elected officials and or an immediate family member of a city official must be reported to the common council regardless of the amount."
When questioned by Alderwoman Mary Marrocco if this resolution applied to her or her husband in the event they should make purchases from Sir Speedy? Sherwood denied her assumption was correct however, Ms. Marrocco was quick to respond "that's what it says here."
Mr. Don Naples during his Public Participation presentation that the proposal #6 by Alderman Sherwood was unfair for small businesses owners stating that all contracts are public record. He strongly suggested that the Council table this issue.
During the discussion of this matter Sherwood alluded that he proposed to add this section because these items do not come before the council and this would make it more assessable for the public as additional information.
It is quite apparent to this writer that Alderman Sherwood has submitted himself to the dictates of Bertha Lewis of the Working Families Party, through this submittal.
A resolution submitted by Phil Sherwood at last night's council meeting: Purchases from city Officials: "The purchases any supplies and contractual services from city elected officials and or an immediate family member of a city official must be reported to the common council regardless of the amount."
When questioned by Alderwoman Mary Marrocco if this resolution applied to her or her husband in the event they should make purchases from Sir Speedy? Sherwood denied her assumption was correct however, Ms. Marrocco was quick to respond "that's what it says here."
Mr. Don Naples during his Public Participation presentation that the proposal #6 by Alderman Sherwood was unfair for small businesses owners stating that all contracts are public record. He strongly suggested that the Council table this issue.
During the discussion of this matter Sherwood alluded that he proposed to add this section because these items do not come before the council and this would make it more assessable for the public as additional information.
It is quite apparent to this writer that Alderman Sherwood has submitted himself to the dictates of Bertha Lewis of the Working Families Party, through this submittal.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Majority Leader referred to as an "Egomaniac"
Recently, your blog contained a post about Alderman Phil Sherwood entitled, "The Mean Spirited Majority Leader." That post was in evidence totally at last night's update to the Council re Police Station and another proposed downtown project.
Phil Sherwood is in my opinion an egomaniac. He is not interested in anyone else's opinion especially if it disagrees with his. He is bent usurping our City Charter and in particular, the powers of The Mayor. His egomanial nastiness was in evidence in full force last night as well as his desire to be the "uberczar' of all things in the city be it development, ethics, ordinances, etc. He even decided last night that he is now an "Art" guru, saying that nothing in the design of the Police station resmbles art. Move over, Picasso, here comes the great Sherwood.
His comments last night always contained a totally nasty, and negative aspect dwarfing some of his memorable ones such as "where's the beef" and forcing WalMart out of town. Last night his tagets were, Kaestle Booz and Downes Construction. Some of his accusations were off color assertions and at one point, he even made an inappropriate remark to Alderman Trueworthy apparently in jest but nonetheless, personally denigrating.
Mr. Sherwood to me, is an ingnificant piece of humanity who like the "supreme, National self appointed Messiah" has been sharpened to a good for nothing point! His arrogance and complete disregard for anyone else's feelings is out of control.
As Jim Sanders, Jr. suggested at a recent Council meeting, Sherwood should be removed from office. Sherwood is a blight on the face of New Britain politics.
Recently, your blog contained a post about Alderman Phil Sherwood entitled, "The Mean Spirited Majority Leader." That post was in evidence totally at last night's update to the Council re Police Station and another proposed downtown project.
Phil Sherwood is in my opinion an egomaniac. He is not interested in anyone else's opinion especially if it disagrees with his. He is bent usurping our City Charter and in particular, the powers of The Mayor. His egomanial nastiness was in evidence in full force last night as well as his desire to be the "uberczar' of all things in the city be it development, ethics, ordinances, etc. He even decided last night that he is now an "Art" guru, saying that nothing in the design of the Police station resmbles art. Move over, Picasso, here comes the great Sherwood.
His comments last night always contained a totally nasty, and negative aspect dwarfing some of his memorable ones such as "where's the beef" and forcing WalMart out of town. Last night his tagets were, Kaestle Booz and Downes Construction. Some of his accusations were off color assertions and at one point, he even made an inappropriate remark to Alderman Trueworthy apparently in jest but nonetheless, personally denigrating.
Mr. Sherwood to me, is an ingnificant piece of humanity who like the "supreme, National self appointed Messiah" has been sharpened to a good for nothing point! His arrogance and complete disregard for anyone else's feelings is out of control.
As Jim Sanders, Jr. suggested at a recent Council meeting, Sherwood should be removed from office. Sherwood is a blight on the face of New Britain politics.
CPOA's Quarterly Meeting
The CPOA's quarterly meeting held on October 28th. with its guest speaker, Mr. Robert Curry New Britain's Finance Director, who was very pleased to announce the new Fitch bond rating of AA- for the City of New Britain. He explained step by step the procedures that our Mayor's office, and the city's Common Council must go through before the council passes the proposed budget in the month of June each year.
He updated the membership of the ongoing capital projects such as the Diloretto school addition, the proposed new Police station, and of the possible Capitol Equipment bond Authorization.
Economic development projects that include the Broad Street, Walnut Hill, Shuttle Meadow. ADA compliance for the city's schools and parks.
He also described the Downtown Redevelopment plan including the Bussway, Streetscape Renovations, Garage Renovations and the FHA project adjacent to the police station retail components, Pinnacle heights commercial development, Corbin Heights, Fafnir Smart Park, DOT Commuter Property Swap, and the Marion Heights Senior Housing.
The 2009-2010 general fund surplus analysis with a surplus of $441,209. With current collection from the city's taxpayers is at 95.94%.
Mr. Curry was also pleased to mention the cooperation that has developed between the new board of education finance director with his department in merging the city's information together with the Board's line by line format.
He updated the membership of the ongoing capital projects such as the Diloretto school addition, the proposed new Police station, and of the possible Capitol Equipment bond Authorization.
Economic development projects that include the Broad Street, Walnut Hill, Shuttle Meadow. ADA compliance for the city's schools and parks.
He also described the Downtown Redevelopment plan including the Bussway, Streetscape Renovations, Garage Renovations and the FHA project adjacent to the police station retail components, Pinnacle heights commercial development, Corbin Heights, Fafnir Smart Park, DOT Commuter Property Swap, and the Marion Heights Senior Housing.
The 2009-2010 general fund surplus analysis with a surplus of $441,209. With current collection from the city's taxpayers is at 95.94%.
Mr. Curry was also pleased to mention the cooperation that has developed between the new board of education finance director with his department in merging the city's information together with the Board's line by line format.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Letter To the Editor
The Truth Hurts.
State Senator Don DeFronzo recently took to these pages to “deplore the negative attack on Tim O’Brien.” It’s unfortunate that the Senator has decided that the same Democrat incumbents who have been failing New Britain shouldn’t have their record presented to the voters.
I have been closely following the election and have not seen one personal attack on Mr. O’Brien. Rather, I am glad that someone is finally showing me what my “representative” has been voting for in Hartford. His voting record is filled with raising taxes, expanding state spending, and then borrowing to pay for the spending. Each of the mailers cited specific legislation that Mr. O’Brien voted for. These are the facts of his record.
Upon reviewing the bills in the mailers, I noticed that Sen. DeFronzo also voted for these same failed laws that have made our state one of the least business friendly states in the country.
Even more shocking is that Mr. O’Brien voted to repeal the death penalty – which would make Stephen Hayes ineligible for the death penalty! Thankfully even Sen. DeFronzo knew this was wrong and voted against the repeal.
The election before us is one of the most important in our state in a generation. Unemployment is at 9% and our state budget is projected to be $3 billion short next year. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Sending Sen. DeFronzo and Mr. O’Brien back to Hartford will give us more of the same. If you are looking to change your state government – vote Henry Zembko for State Senate and Cris Carillo for State Representative on Nov. 2nd.
Charles Carillo
Owner – Power Online Solutions, LLC
New Britain Resident, Property Owner and Business Owner
State Senator Don DeFronzo recently took to these pages to “deplore the negative attack on Tim O’Brien.” It’s unfortunate that the Senator has decided that the same Democrat incumbents who have been failing New Britain shouldn’t have their record presented to the voters.
I have been closely following the election and have not seen one personal attack on Mr. O’Brien. Rather, I am glad that someone is finally showing me what my “representative” has been voting for in Hartford. His voting record is filled with raising taxes, expanding state spending, and then borrowing to pay for the spending. Each of the mailers cited specific legislation that Mr. O’Brien voted for. These are the facts of his record.
Upon reviewing the bills in the mailers, I noticed that Sen. DeFronzo also voted for these same failed laws that have made our state one of the least business friendly states in the country.
Even more shocking is that Mr. O’Brien voted to repeal the death penalty – which would make Stephen Hayes ineligible for the death penalty! Thankfully even Sen. DeFronzo knew this was wrong and voted against the repeal.
The election before us is one of the most important in our state in a generation. Unemployment is at 9% and our state budget is projected to be $3 billion short next year. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Sending Sen. DeFronzo and Mr. O’Brien back to Hartford will give us more of the same. If you are looking to change your state government – vote Henry Zembko for State Senate and Cris Carillo for State Representative on Nov. 2nd.
Charles Carillo
Owner – Power Online Solutions, LLC
New Britain Resident, Property Owner and Business Owner
CPOA Quarterly Meeting Notice!
Thursday, October 28, 2010 7 PM to 8:30 PM
Room 201, New Britain City Hall.
Guest Speaker: New Britain's Finance Director, Mr. Robert Curry.
He will discuss how the Finance Department performs an instrumental function in the preparation of the City's Annual Budget.
All residents and Business owners are cordially invited to attend!
Room 201, New Britain City Hall.
Guest Speaker: New Britain's Finance Director, Mr. Robert Curry.
He will discuss how the Finance Department performs an instrumental function in the preparation of the City's Annual Budget.
All residents and Business owners are cordially invited to attend!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
C.L.Bryant "I Am A Runaway Slave!"
C.L. Bryant is a former NAACP leader who now belongs to the Tea Party. In his movie, Bryant urges blacks in America to reject socialism, to reject progressivism, and to reject the Democratic Party.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Carillo won’t ask for ballot reprint, will save taxpayers $3,000
NEW BRITAIN - Republican candidate for state representative Cristopher Carillo today announced that he will not ask for a correction to printed ballots that includes a misspelling of his name, even though current law allows for such corrective action.
Official ballots already prepared by election officials inadvertently misspelled the candidate’s first name “Christopher.” Despite being allowed to have the ballots reprinted to correctly spell his name, Carillo declined, noting that the district’s already over-burdened taxpayers do not need to incur an additional expenditure of approximately $3,000.
“Throughout my campaign, I have talked to thousands of residents fed up with the high taxes and cost of living in the district,” said Carillo. “Unlike our current state representative, I will back up my platform of lower taxes and spending, and not ask that the ballots be reprinted. Judging by the overwhelmingly positive response I’ve gotten from going door-to-door, my supporters will know where to find my name on the ballot on Nov. 2”
Carillo is running against 4-term incumbent Timothy O’Brien in the 24th District, which includes parts of New Britain and Newington.
Official ballots already prepared by election officials inadvertently misspelled the candidate’s first name “Christopher.” Despite being allowed to have the ballots reprinted to correctly spell his name, Carillo declined, noting that the district’s already over-burdened taxpayers do not need to incur an additional expenditure of approximately $3,000.
“Throughout my campaign, I have talked to thousands of residents fed up with the high taxes and cost of living in the district,” said Carillo. “Unlike our current state representative, I will back up my platform of lower taxes and spending, and not ask that the ballots be reprinted. Judging by the overwhelmingly positive response I’ve gotten from going door-to-door, my supporters will know where to find my name on the ballot on Nov. 2”
Carillo is running against 4-term incumbent Timothy O’Brien in the 24th District, which includes parts of New Britain and Newington.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
The New Britain Herald Supports the WFP
Scott Whipple recently wrote an article in the New Britain Herald whereby he said that the Working Families Party helps the Democratic candidates by allowing them to appear on two lines on election day.
Unfortunately, I cannot dismiss the statement made by Bertha Lewis about Mrs. Clinton accepting the WFP endorsement when she was running for the New York State Senate. If I may paraphrase from memory Ms. Lewis’s comments at the time were that she better do what we want when we come knocking on her door and if she doesn’t we will go shopping for a new candidate.
Several of our state candidates announced that they are proud in accepting the WFP endorsement such as Murphy, Tercyak, Malloy, Blumenthal and O’Brien. Senator Donald DeFronzo even claims that the WFP fights everyday for the average families.
Giving two bites at the apple is totally unfair for the conservative candidates since the WFP supports only those who agree with their socialistic views, as the people here in New Britain experienced in our last local elections, with the WFP endorsing the liberal Democratic candidates.
I respect Mr. Whipple’s attempt to state that the leaders of the WFP evaluate the track records of each candidate they endorse but, I find that they only endorse those who have a liberal and socialistic record.
Scott Whipple recently wrote an article in the New Britain Herald whereby he said that the Working Families Party helps the Democratic candidates by allowing them to appear on two lines on election day.
Unfortunately, I cannot dismiss the statement made by Bertha Lewis about Mrs. Clinton accepting the WFP endorsement when she was running for the New York State Senate. If I may paraphrase from memory Ms. Lewis’s comments at the time were that she better do what we want when we come knocking on her door and if she doesn’t we will go shopping for a new candidate.
Several of our state candidates announced that they are proud in accepting the WFP endorsement such as Murphy, Tercyak, Malloy, Blumenthal and O’Brien. Senator Donald DeFronzo even claims that the WFP fights everyday for the average families.
Giving two bites at the apple is totally unfair for the conservative candidates since the WFP supports only those who agree with their socialistic views, as the people here in New Britain experienced in our last local elections, with the WFP endorsing the liberal Democratic candidates.
I respect Mr. Whipple’s attempt to state that the leaders of the WFP evaluate the track records of each candidate they endorse but, I find that they only endorse those who have a liberal and socialistic record.
Education and New Britain
The education system in New Britain is a hotly debated topic and our most costly tax expenditure as City residents. We pay over 50% of our property taxes into the school system here in New Britain, so any type of state educational assistance we receive directly offsets our property taxes. The other day I received a mailer from Tim O’Brien touting a 27% increase in state educational funding since 2003. That seemed impressive until I compared New Britain (Ranked 166 out of 169 towns by the State Department of Education) to four other similarly poor school districts in Connecticut:
• The average Educational Grants increase for the poorest districts in the state was 40.6%.
o Bridgeport increased 31.65%
o Hartford increased 64%
o New Britain increased 26.3%
o New Haven increased 37.2%
o New London increased 52%
So in other words, our 27% increase was well below the average of similar cities – and compared to towns like Plainville (104% increase), Middletown (84% increase) and Bloomfield (436% increase) – we are seriously falling behind in education funding. In order to improve the education system and lower property taxes there need to be changes made in Hartford. We need to support candidates that will bring home the needed grants and funding to our cities – instead of passing funds off to other towns.
Mr. O’Brien seems to believe that his opponent, Cris Carillo, should not use his own record against him. However, Mr. O’Brien sees no problem with running on his own record, so long as it reflects well on him. As a former member of the Legislature’s Education Committee, Mr. O’Brien should realize more than anyone that a 27% increase is nothing to brag about considering the challenges New Britain’s schools face and the funding other communities receive. These are the simple facts, not lies or deceit. Mr. O’Brien says he fights for New Britain, but his fight has yielded no results in finding funding solutions for our school district.
On November 2nd, I will be supporting Cris Carillo because he will help bring back the needed educational grants and property tax relief to New Britain.
Anthony Kane
48 Russwin Road
New Britain
All information is available on the CT State Department of Education website:
• The average Educational Grants increase for the poorest districts in the state was 40.6%.
o Bridgeport increased 31.65%
o Hartford increased 64%
o New Britain increased 26.3%
o New Haven increased 37.2%
o New London increased 52%
So in other words, our 27% increase was well below the average of similar cities – and compared to towns like Plainville (104% increase), Middletown (84% increase) and Bloomfield (436% increase) – we are seriously falling behind in education funding. In order to improve the education system and lower property taxes there need to be changes made in Hartford. We need to support candidates that will bring home the needed grants and funding to our cities – instead of passing funds off to other towns.
Mr. O’Brien seems to believe that his opponent, Cris Carillo, should not use his own record against him. However, Mr. O’Brien sees no problem with running on his own record, so long as it reflects well on him. As a former member of the Legislature’s Education Committee, Mr. O’Brien should realize more than anyone that a 27% increase is nothing to brag about considering the challenges New Britain’s schools face and the funding other communities receive. These are the simple facts, not lies or deceit. Mr. O’Brien says he fights for New Britain, but his fight has yielded no results in finding funding solutions for our school district.
On November 2nd, I will be supporting Cris Carillo because he will help bring back the needed educational grants and property tax relief to New Britain.
Anthony Kane
48 Russwin Road
New Britain
All information is available on the CT State Department of Education website:
Blumenthal Accepts Long List of PAC Contributions: The Courant
A FrankSmithSaysNB Editorial
For a man who once promised to never take a dime from PAC's, Richard Blumenthal has compiled quite a list of PAC contributions in the 3rd Quarter report for his campaign.
Click the headline above to read the entire story and see what special interests Blumenthal will be beholden to should he win the election as our next Senator.
For a man who once promised to never take a dime from PAC's, Richard Blumenthal has compiled quite a list of PAC contributions in the 3rd Quarter report for his campaign.
Click the headline above to read the entire story and see what special interests Blumenthal will be beholden to should he win the election as our next Senator.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
If UCONN Can Do It, Why Can't Central?
A FrankSmithSaysNB Editorial:
Mayor Timothy Stewart is correct in pursuing a change in the CCSU discipline code that will allow students to be disciplined by the University for certain off campus conduct.
UCONN has been doing this for more than a dozen years. I have read many reports in the newspapers of how students were disciplined or even expelled from the university for their conduct at local apartments or private off campus houses in Mansfield. According to previous news reports, the university seems to have a good working relationship with town officials in Mansfield with regards to dealing with such incidents and even cooperating in an effort to avoid future mishaps.
Here is UCONN's current code of conduct:
Generally, University jurisdiction shall be limited to student conduct that occurs on University premises or at University-sponsored or University-supervised events (including students involved with off-campus internships and study abroad programs). However, the University may apply The Student Code to students whose misconduct has a direct and distinct adverse impact on the University community, its members, and/or the pursuit of its objectives regardless of where such conduct may occur. The following examples describe the kinds of off-campus acts that might be addressed through the University student conduct system. They are illustrative in intent and they should not be regarded as all-inclusive: driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs; physical/sexual assault; sale/distribution of illegal substances; and malicious destruction of property. Should the Director of Community Standards reasonably determine that a particular alleged act of off-campus misconduct falls within the jurisdiction of the University, the case will be referred to the University student conduct system.
As you can see, simply getting arrested for a DUI is cause for discipline no matter where it happens.
If UCONN can do it, Central certainly can and should.
Mayor Timothy Stewart is correct in pursuing a change in the CCSU discipline code that will allow students to be disciplined by the University for certain off campus conduct.
UCONN has been doing this for more than a dozen years. I have read many reports in the newspapers of how students were disciplined or even expelled from the university for their conduct at local apartments or private off campus houses in Mansfield. According to previous news reports, the university seems to have a good working relationship with town officials in Mansfield with regards to dealing with such incidents and even cooperating in an effort to avoid future mishaps.
Here is UCONN's current code of conduct:
Generally, University jurisdiction shall be limited to student conduct that occurs on University premises or at University-sponsored or University-supervised events (including students involved with off-campus internships and study abroad programs). However, the University may apply The Student Code to students whose misconduct has a direct and distinct adverse impact on the University community, its members, and/or the pursuit of its objectives regardless of where such conduct may occur. The following examples describe the kinds of off-campus acts that might be addressed through the University student conduct system. They are illustrative in intent and they should not be regarded as all-inclusive: driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs; physical/sexual assault; sale/distribution of illegal substances; and malicious destruction of property. Should the Director of Community Standards reasonably determine that a particular alleged act of off-campus misconduct falls within the jurisdiction of the University, the case will be referred to the University student conduct system.
As you can see, simply getting arrested for a DUI is cause for discipline no matter where it happens.
If UCONN can do it, Central certainly can and should.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
State Insurance Commissioner to Blumenthal: 47% Rate Hike Direct Result of Obamacare:
Tells Blumenthal If He Wants To Complain, Tell Congress
"Sayanythingblog" reports that State Insurance Commissioner Tom Sullivan responded to Attorney General Blumenthal's complaint about Anthem's 47% rate hike, which has been approved by the State Insurance Department, by telling Blumenthal the rate hike is the direct result of Obamacare, and also told Blumethal that if he doesn't like the rate hike, he should call his Congressman.
(Click the title to read the entire story)
(Click the title to read the entire story)
Sunday, October 17, 2010
During the Debate with State Senator Sam Caligiuri, Rep. Murphy attempted to blame the Bush Administration onto Sam about 16 times. He kept saying to Sam you are going backwards to the Bush economic policies
Murphy defended his support for the stimulus bill as "a great job creator." but Caligiuri was very quick with his attack by mentioning how Murphy always votes for what Pelosi has laid out for him. Caligiuri continued his attack by bringing up Pelosi's unpopular stimulus bill which mounted enormous national deficit accomplishing very little to the point of causing the highest unemployment in our state's history. Caligiuri continued by promising to reduce taxes, freezing government spending at 20 per cent of the GDP (instead of the current 25 to 30%) and also continuing the bush tax cuts and cutting the corporate tax down to 25%.
Murphy responded to Caligiuri's position on the Bush tax cuts extension " as laughable " claiming that these tax cuts only helped the super rich.
Murphy continually attacked Caligiuri for not telling where to cut the budget. However, Caligiuri did mention cutting a long list of federal agencies identified by the Congressional Budget Office as having outlived their purpose or failing to fulfill their purpose.
Murphy was proud of his support of the Obamcare bill--citing that it didn't go far enough, but Caligiuri said he would repeal the reform bill or cut the funding. Caliguiri said he supports giving tax credits to businesses for their providing insurance for their employees.
In short, Senator Caligiuri is absolutely correct with his proposing that the Feds cut spending while Murphy suggests to increase spending with no regard to his constituents wishes.
During the Debate with State Senator Sam Caligiuri, Rep. Murphy attempted to blame the Bush Administration onto Sam about 16 times. He kept saying to Sam you are going backwards to the Bush economic policies
Murphy defended his support for the stimulus bill as "a great job creator." but Caligiuri was very quick with his attack by mentioning how Murphy always votes for what Pelosi has laid out for him. Caligiuri continued his attack by bringing up Pelosi's unpopular stimulus bill which mounted enormous national deficit accomplishing very little to the point of causing the highest unemployment in our state's history. Caligiuri continued by promising to reduce taxes, freezing government spending at 20 per cent of the GDP (instead of the current 25 to 30%) and also continuing the bush tax cuts and cutting the corporate tax down to 25%.
Murphy responded to Caligiuri's position on the Bush tax cuts extension " as laughable " claiming that these tax cuts only helped the super rich.
Murphy continually attacked Caligiuri for not telling where to cut the budget. However, Caligiuri did mention cutting a long list of federal agencies identified by the Congressional Budget Office as having outlived their purpose or failing to fulfill their purpose.
Murphy was proud of his support of the Obamcare bill--citing that it didn't go far enough, but Caligiuri said he would repeal the reform bill or cut the funding. Caliguiri said he supports giving tax credits to businesses for their providing insurance for their employees.
In short, Senator Caligiuri is absolutely correct with his proposing that the Feds cut spending while Murphy suggests to increase spending with no regard to his constituents wishes.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Music To Relax To During This Hectic Election Cycle
With the anticipated avalanche facing the Democratic Party in this upcoming election, I thought some music to relax to might be in order, especially for Democrats who seem to be coming unhinged at the reality that they will lose big on November 2nd.
Just click the link below, sit back and relax!
Just click the link below, sit back and relax!
5th. District Debate Saturday at 2PM @ TRINITY ON MAIN
Rep. Chris Murphy: A Liberal Democrat!
When he recently appeared on "Face The State" with Dennis House, Murphy touted the stimulus bill as a complete success because he believed that more people would be out of work without it. Of course he placed the blame on the Democratic controlled state legislature for their failure to spend the money fast enough--claiming that much of it is still tied up with their fighting over how to spend it.
He says his proudest accomplishment is that he had helped “fix” health care--referring to his vote to pass Obamacare. Claiming that he always listens to the people in his district by going door to door and holding town hall meetings with office hours, but all that stopped subsequent to his adverse experience at the Stop & Shop in Simsbury, CT where he was swarmed by hundreds of people all protesting his support for Obamacare. Yes, he subsequently went into hiding from the public following Obama’s directive to avoid constituents in the future.
He even hid from New Britain seniors ignoring their repeated attempts to meet with him, and instead holding a closed office meeting with seven selected hand picked people to speak in favor of Obamacare with a leaning left reporter form the Herald in attendance.
But he insists that he needs to be re-elected in order to be able to fine tune the Obamacare legislation and expand it, even though 70% of the voters want it ‘repealed immediately”. Murphy is clearly demonstrating through his elitist attitude about Obamacare that if is re-elected, he will continue to ignore the overwhelming demands of his constituents, in pursuit of his own personal, radical socialist agenda.
Rep. Chris Murphy: A Liberal Democrat!
When he recently appeared on "Face The State" with Dennis House, Murphy touted the stimulus bill as a complete success because he believed that more people would be out of work without it. Of course he placed the blame on the Democratic controlled state legislature for their failure to spend the money fast enough--claiming that much of it is still tied up with their fighting over how to spend it.
He says his proudest accomplishment is that he had helped “fix” health care--referring to his vote to pass Obamacare. Claiming that he always listens to the people in his district by going door to door and holding town hall meetings with office hours, but all that stopped subsequent to his adverse experience at the Stop & Shop in Simsbury, CT where he was swarmed by hundreds of people all protesting his support for Obamacare. Yes, he subsequently went into hiding from the public following Obama’s directive to avoid constituents in the future.
He even hid from New Britain seniors ignoring their repeated attempts to meet with him, and instead holding a closed office meeting with seven selected hand picked people to speak in favor of Obamacare with a leaning left reporter form the Herald in attendance.
But he insists that he needs to be re-elected in order to be able to fine tune the Obamacare legislation and expand it, even though 70% of the voters want it ‘repealed immediately”. Murphy is clearly demonstrating through his elitist attitude about Obamacare that if is re-elected, he will continue to ignore the overwhelming demands of his constituents, in pursuit of his own personal, radical socialist agenda.
The Herald's report of the council meeting lacked real issues
Amazingly the Herald chose only to include the public participation and not report the positions taken by the Alderman during the most recent city council meeting:
The location of the New Police station was the main issue with Alderman Catanzaro citing that no doubt we need a new police station with the officers getting sick in the old building ---we should build it now!
Majority leader Sherwood countered by citing "No Public hearing was held yet to determine the location. Alderman Pabon immediately countered by stating that we have 16 prints and we have spent $10,000 but was shut off by Sherwood stating that no public hearing was held to determine the location and suggesting that the Greenfield site would be appropriate even though the city's large business property owner, Mr. Avnev Krohn stated, during public participation, that the downtown district wants the police station to be built now!
As to the delay with the approval of the proposed bonding Alderman Michael Trueworhty citing that the police cruisers will be ordered and will not hit the road for at least another eight months. This delay has placed our resident's safety in harm's way since the old cruisers are constantly breaking down for repairs causing the officers to double up because of the lack of available cruisers.
Also during the public participation Mr. Mark Fortin listed the many hearings, meetings, with the approval of the engineers, contractors and architects for the Chestnut and Main Street site which was not well received by the majority leader from his facial expressions.
Amazingly the Herald chose only to include the public participation and not report the positions taken by the Alderman during the most recent city council meeting:
The location of the New Police station was the main issue with Alderman Catanzaro citing that no doubt we need a new police station with the officers getting sick in the old building ---we should build it now!
Majority leader Sherwood countered by citing "No Public hearing was held yet to determine the location. Alderman Pabon immediately countered by stating that we have 16 prints and we have spent $10,000 but was shut off by Sherwood stating that no public hearing was held to determine the location and suggesting that the Greenfield site would be appropriate even though the city's large business property owner, Mr. Avnev Krohn stated, during public participation, that the downtown district wants the police station to be built now!
As to the delay with the approval of the proposed bonding Alderman Michael Trueworhty citing that the police cruisers will be ordered and will not hit the road for at least another eight months. This delay has placed our resident's safety in harm's way since the old cruisers are constantly breaking down for repairs causing the officers to double up because of the lack of available cruisers.
Also during the public participation Mr. Mark Fortin listed the many hearings, meetings, with the approval of the engineers, contractors and architects for the Chestnut and Main Street site which was not well received by the majority leader from his facial expressions.
Local Union NB Federation of Teachers support only Democrats

With only democratic candidates signs for the upcoming state legislative election including some that may have been endorsed by the working families party.
God forbid, for their sake, what if the Republicans gain council seats in the next city election. Will they thank them for their "non support" of their Republican state legislative candidates?
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Federal Judge Allows Multi-State Suit Against Health Care Law to Proceed: FOX NEWS BREAKING STORY
A Florida federal judge rejected a request on Thursday by the U.S. Department of Justice to dismiss in its entirety a lawsuit challenging the federal government's health care law, paving the way for a legal battle involving 20 states, Fox News Channel reported.
U.S. District Court Judge Roger Vinson declared that he would allow parts of the lawsuit to move forward, while others do not merit a day in court.
Opening arguments have been scheduled for mid-December, Fox News Channel reported.
U.S. District Court Judge Roger Vinson declared that he would allow parts of the lawsuit to move forward, while others do not merit a day in court.
Opening arguments have been scheduled for mid-December, Fox News Channel reported.
Replace The Majority Leader on The Council
The Herald covered only the public participation portion of the council meeting due to time restraints however, one most important comment was inadvertently omitted and it was made by James Sanders Jr. with his asking the Council majority to remove Alderman Phil Sherwood as their council's Majority leader.

by: Frank Smith
Despite his unwillingness to meet with New Britain residents, Congressman Murphy has been reported numerous times as stating that he intends to return to Congress to push for passage of President Obama’s plan to nationalize our health care in this country. The Congressman has also been quoted as saying that although there are what he called a small number opposed to it; the majority of his constituents want this program badly and want it passed immediately.
Since the Congressman apparently hasn’t bothered to even read the bill, I thought I would share some of the highlights with you, since as the Congressman put it, you are most likely supporting this plan.
HR 3200 Obama Administration’s Health Care Plan, currently under consideration in the House of Representatives:
YOUR HEALTH CARE WILL BE RATIONED. (Sec. 122, Pg. 29 Lines 4-16).
HEALTH CARE WILL BE PROVIDED TO ALL NON-U.S. CITIZENS. (didn’t someone claim it did NOT cover illegal aliens?) (Sec. 152., Pg. 50-51).
GOVERNMENT WILL CREATE A HEALTH CARE EXCHANGE TO BRING ALL PRIVATE INSURANCE PLANS UNDER GOVERNMENT CONTROL (so much for being able to keep your coverage if you like it). (Sec. 201, Pg. 72, Lines 8-14).
PROHIBITION ON PHYSICIAN OWNERSHIP OR INVESTMENT. (Government tells doctors what/how much they can own). (Sec. 1156, Pg. 317, Lines 13-20).
PROHIBITION ON EXPANSION OF FACILITY CAPACITY (Government will mandate that hospitals cannot expand number of operating rooms or beds) (Sec. 1156, Pg. 317-318, Lines 21-25, 1-3).
GOVERNMENT HAS THE AUTHORITY TO DISQUALIFY MEDICARE ADVANTAGE PLANS (Part B), HMO’s, etc. THIS WILL FORCE PEOPLE INTO THE GOVERNMENT “OPTION” (so much for seniors keeping their coverage if they want it) (Sec. 1162, Pg. 341, Lines 3-9).
GOVERNMENT MANDATES ADVANCED DEATH CARE PLANNING (Yes, what Governor Palin called DEATH PANELS, it is in there) (Sec. 1233, Pg. 425, Lines 4-12).
THE GOVERNMENT WILL COVER MARRIAGE AND FAMILY THERAPY (involving government in your marriage). (Sec. 1308, Pg. 489).
THE GOVERNMENT WILL DEFINE NEW “QUALITY” MEASURES FOR HEALTH CARE. (The President Already Used the Post Office As His Example of Government Quality). (Sec. 1441, Pg. 621, Lines 20-25).
There is more, much more, but does anyone want to rush and sign up for this program? No wonder members of Congress are exempting themselves and their families. Who would join this plan without it being rammed down their throats?
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
The Battle For America
Watch the preview here.
(click the headline above for more info on the full length movie)
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Response to the DTC Szabo Letter!
To the Editor:
A couple of days ago a letter to The Editor of the NB Herald appeared from Mr. Todd Szabo. Now, I wouldn’t know Mr. Szabo if I tripped over him but his letters appear infrequently in the Herald. Mr. Szabo ‘s letters always take the same tack, i.e., as a shill for the NB Democratic Party/ Democratic Town Committee.
His most recent effort seeks to take to task Mr. Mike Wanik. Mr. Wanik is the Chair of the NB CPOA organization as well as being the Chair of The NB Police Commission. Mr. Wanik has also been the Chair of the NB Board of Finance and Taxation. What does anybody know about Mr. Szabo? Yeah, right!
Mr. Szabo tries to defend our State Legislative Contingent of DeFronzo, O’Brien, Tercyak and Geragosian. He claims that these do-nothings have brought home to NB a tremendous amount of funds for everything, especially, education. In addition, he claims that these incompetents have helped NB with property tax reform. Here’s the real story.
New Britain, in area is a small city, 13.4 sq. miles. Large tracts of land house state property, e.g., CCSU, Corbin Hgts., Pinnacle Hgts. Extension, Goodwin Technical School, etc. These properties and others are supposed to give NB PILOT Monies. (Payment In Lieu of Taxes) Over the past many years these payments to NB from the State have been reduced substantially. In addition, NB has many federal properties from which the city receives nothing. E.g., Mt Pleasant Housing Project, Malikowski Circle Properties, etc. Our schools, our streets, city hall, our parks, churches, etc., give the city no revenue. There is not much left to help our taxpayers.
So, when it comes to paying our bills, where does the city get the money to pay its bills? From the taxpayers. Yes, from the bona fide taxpayers of the city. When one considers that our taxpayers can no longer shoulder the burden of the state’s largesse, from where do the funds come? Certainly not from the unfunded mandates perpetrated on our BOE by our state legislators. Certainly not from under funded PILOT Payments and certainly not from the empty promises of our state legislators. The NB demographic shows that the city has huge numbers of needy people and school children. These children come to our schools with huge needs. The state gives us much less than we need to take care of these children. WHO IS/ARE THE STATE? OUR LEGISLATORS! Mr. Szabo, wake up ! And certainly not from the entire NB state legislator sources you listed from which nothing in the way of money has materialized.
Go crawl back into your anonymous hole Mr. Szabo and blame someone other than an active productive NB Citizen.
Lou Salvio
103 Russwin Rd.
New Britain, CT 06053 860-225-9992
To the Editor:
A couple of days ago a letter to The Editor of the NB Herald appeared from Mr. Todd Szabo. Now, I wouldn’t know Mr. Szabo if I tripped over him but his letters appear infrequently in the Herald. Mr. Szabo ‘s letters always take the same tack, i.e., as a shill for the NB Democratic Party/ Democratic Town Committee.
His most recent effort seeks to take to task Mr. Mike Wanik. Mr. Wanik is the Chair of the NB CPOA organization as well as being the Chair of The NB Police Commission. Mr. Wanik has also been the Chair of the NB Board of Finance and Taxation. What does anybody know about Mr. Szabo? Yeah, right!
Mr. Szabo tries to defend our State Legislative Contingent of DeFronzo, O’Brien, Tercyak and Geragosian. He claims that these do-nothings have brought home to NB a tremendous amount of funds for everything, especially, education. In addition, he claims that these incompetents have helped NB with property tax reform. Here’s the real story.
New Britain, in area is a small city, 13.4 sq. miles. Large tracts of land house state property, e.g., CCSU, Corbin Hgts., Pinnacle Hgts. Extension, Goodwin Technical School, etc. These properties and others are supposed to give NB PILOT Monies. (Payment In Lieu of Taxes) Over the past many years these payments to NB from the State have been reduced substantially. In addition, NB has many federal properties from which the city receives nothing. E.g., Mt Pleasant Housing Project, Malikowski Circle Properties, etc. Our schools, our streets, city hall, our parks, churches, etc., give the city no revenue. There is not much left to help our taxpayers.
So, when it comes to paying our bills, where does the city get the money to pay its bills? From the taxpayers. Yes, from the bona fide taxpayers of the city. When one considers that our taxpayers can no longer shoulder the burden of the state’s largesse, from where do the funds come? Certainly not from the unfunded mandates perpetrated on our BOE by our state legislators. Certainly not from under funded PILOT Payments and certainly not from the empty promises of our state legislators. The NB demographic shows that the city has huge numbers of needy people and school children. These children come to our schools with huge needs. The state gives us much less than we need to take care of these children. WHO IS/ARE THE STATE? OUR LEGISLATORS! Mr. Szabo, wake up ! And certainly not from the entire NB state legislator sources you listed from which nothing in the way of money has materialized.
Go crawl back into your anonymous hole Mr. Szabo and blame someone other than an active productive NB Citizen.
Lou Salvio
103 Russwin Rd.
New Britain, CT 06053 860-225-9992
Monday, October 11, 2010
Linda's stopover in Plainville hopefully, on her way to D.C.

Of all the many positive comments Linda made to the audience, one was the most outstanding with her referring to a reporter's comments to her just a few days earlier: " You don't have the right political experience to run for the Senate," the reporter told her. Her reply was quick and swift by citing that her campaign is what is needed to get the same old politics out of Washington.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Attack on the CPOA and it's President Answered!

It is with great disappointment that we read a recent letter to the editor ("City's delegations brings home aid," 10/7/10). The writer personally attacked Michael Wanik and accused him of playing politics when he raised legitimate questions about the effectiveness of New Britain’s legislative delegation.
Mr. Wanik, like many reasonable residents, believes not enough state funding is being directed to New Britain to meet our growing fiscal needs, most of which results from numerous unfunded mandates passed by members of the legislature’s Democratic supermajority.
The writer described Mr. Wanik, who is president of the Citizens Property Owners Association Inc., a nonpartisan local taxpayer organization, as a “high-ranking Republican appointee.” For the sake of accuracy, Mr. Wanik is not a member of the New Britain Republican Town Committee and his position is an elected one. Mr. Wanik has nothing to gain personally by the election of a Democrat or a Republican; his group’s allegiance is only to property owners and taxpayers.
In contrast, the writer failed to mention is that he is a member of the New Britain Democratic Town Committee and an official with AFSCME Council 4; therefore, maintaining the status quo and getting his fellow Democrats re-elected is in his best interest.
During the past 50 years, the middle class has been slowly falling behind. We’re losing jobs, working more hours and forgoing raises to stay employed. We’re cutting corners wherever possible to send our children to school, to pay our taxes and living expenses, and to save for retirement.
Meanwhile, many public sector employees, who are paid by our local, state and federal taxes, continue to receive great benefits, annual salary and cost-of-living increases, lifetime pensions and the potential to retire at relatively young ages. Of course, they want nothing to change.
When push came to shove with our recent education budget, the unions didn’t have to make a single concession. The Democrats in Congress found the money needed to rehire laid off teachers all across the country and give them their regular annual raises - with no strings attached.
Instead of being denigrated by some Democratic henchman, Mr. Wanik, and the CPOA, should be applauded for consistently asking members of BOTH political parties tough questions and for leveling legitimate criticism when needed.
Every group that depends on taxpayer dollars has a voice in the halls of power. Visit the Legislative Office Building in Hartford any day and you’ll find scores of lobbyists, activists and advocates for the unions, welfare recipients, inmates, nonprofit groups, quasi-governmental agencies, trade associations, retailers, and many more - all asking for taxpayer money - your money.
Unfortunately, we, the people who actually pay the bills, are so busy working that our point of view is not often represented in the discussion.
If we are elected to our respective offices, we would only seek to be a voice for you – the middle class property owners and taxpayers. And more importantly, we would welcome questions posed by Mr. Wanik, the CPOA or any taxpayer who has concerns about how their tax dollars are being spent - and whether we are effectively serving their needs.
Henry Zembko – Candidate for Connecticut State Senate 6th District
Cris Carillo – Candidate for Connecticut State House 24th District
James Griffin – Candidate for Connecticut State House 26th District
Saturday, October 9, 2010

Sam Caligiuri talking with a taxpayer.
Republican Candidate for the 5th. District Congressional Seat, State Senator Sam Caligiuri , announced in Plainville at a Republican rally that he was leading Murphy by five points based on an independent poll.
According the Ct. Capitol Report this morning he is actually leading by 5.4 points.
New Britain residents may recall that Rep. Murphy refused to meet with the city's Seniors because of the adversity that occurred with his town hall meeting held in Simsbury, Ct. , but he did arrange a private meeting at his New Britain office with seven selected individuals, including a New Britain Herald reporter.
Murphy has also supported the administration's Obamacare and has publicly stated that he wants to expand this program further into a government run health care.
Sam opposes Obamacare and all the liberal nonsense that Pelosi and Reid shoved down the taxpayers throats.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Detective Grey and Detective Sgt. Rodriquez made a great and tremendous demonstration to the audience on how the detective bureau works within the Police Department.
Priorities are their key method of decisions: murder, assaults, narcotics, child abuse, and etc. They continued with their pointing out that the lesser crimes such as car break-ins had to take the back seat to the more serious offenses, however, it doesn't mean that the bureau will ignore your complaint but would overview the neighborhood activities of similar crimes to create patterns of activities and the time of the day that they occur and would place an unmarked police vehicle in an attempt to apprehend the parties involved .
The most interesting advice they shared with the attendees was for their calling the police main number when they see suspicious activities occurring including all the information such as descriptions of the persons involved, license plate numbers, and color of the vehicle or vehicles. THEY ADVISED NOT TO GET INVOLVED WITH THE CULPRITS YOURSELF. In the event you are able to take a picture of this occurrence through your window it would be helpful.
The volume of cases is enormous and very hard to get a quick resolve.
The main issue that was discussed was the fact the police vehicles were all worn out and need replacement. Even to the point that that the cruisers are always in the garage for repairs causing the officers to double up in a cruiser that is still working. Representative Tim O'Brien was quick to offer the officers his assistance in arranging grants from the state level for the needed vehicles. What the representative neglected to point out was that the bonding committee had voted to furnish the vehicles with their affirmative vote with the Republican side of the aisle in support, but the Democrats on the City council not accepting the approval of the purchase and demanded a second vote take place still resulting in the vehicle purchase being approved, then Alderman Carlozzi arrived late for the bonding hearing, without his having any knowledge of what had transpired prior to his arrival, voted with the Democrats thus ending the existence of the Bonding committee and sending this matter to a subcommittee of the city council for further evaluation--effectively killing the purchase of the new cruisers.
Yes, Tim O'Brien attempted to make himself appear as a savior for the needed equipment that the police department needs with his bureaucratic recommendation in applying for grants from the state would cause unnecessary delay and place the public's safety in peril during his recommended time consuming procedure. Could he also be attempting to make another run for Mayor and holding the police cruisers hostage for his own political expedience?
Detective Grey and Detective Sgt. Rodriquez made a great and tremendous demonstration to the audience on how the detective bureau works within the Police Department.
Priorities are their key method of decisions: murder, assaults, narcotics, child abuse, and etc. They continued with their pointing out that the lesser crimes such as car break-ins had to take the back seat to the more serious offenses, however, it doesn't mean that the bureau will ignore your complaint but would overview the neighborhood activities of similar crimes to create patterns of activities and the time of the day that they occur and would place an unmarked police vehicle in an attempt to apprehend the parties involved .
The most interesting advice they shared with the attendees was for their calling the police main number when they see suspicious activities occurring including all the information such as descriptions of the persons involved, license plate numbers, and color of the vehicle or vehicles. THEY ADVISED NOT TO GET INVOLVED WITH THE CULPRITS YOURSELF. In the event you are able to take a picture of this occurrence through your window it would be helpful.
The volume of cases is enormous and very hard to get a quick resolve.
The main issue that was discussed was the fact the police vehicles were all worn out and need replacement. Even to the point that that the cruisers are always in the garage for repairs causing the officers to double up in a cruiser that is still working. Representative Tim O'Brien was quick to offer the officers his assistance in arranging grants from the state level for the needed vehicles. What the representative neglected to point out was that the bonding committee had voted to furnish the vehicles with their affirmative vote with the Republican side of the aisle in support, but the Democrats on the City council not accepting the approval of the purchase and demanded a second vote take place still resulting in the vehicle purchase being approved, then Alderman Carlozzi arrived late for the bonding hearing, without his having any knowledge of what had transpired prior to his arrival, voted with the Democrats thus ending the existence of the Bonding committee and sending this matter to a subcommittee of the city council for further evaluation--effectively killing the purchase of the new cruisers.
Yes, Tim O'Brien attempted to make himself appear as a savior for the needed equipment that the police department needs with his bureaucratic recommendation in applying for grants from the state would cause unnecessary delay and place the public's safety in peril during his recommended time consuming procedure. Could he also be attempting to make another run for Mayor and holding the police cruisers hostage for his own political expedience?
Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown Joins Tom Foley, Ann Brickley and Janet Peckingpaugh for a Rally in Glastonbury this Saturday!
Join the Rally with Scott Brown and Tom Foley Saturday!
You're invited to a Rally with Senator Scott Brown, Tom Foley, Janet Peckinpaugh and Ann Brickley Saturday October 9th 11:00 am - 12:00 pm at the Riverfront Community Center, 300 Welles Street, Glastonbury, CT. After the rally, Ann will be joining Senator Brown and Tom Foley at the Shady Glen in Manchester. Everyone is welcome!
You're invited to a Rally with Senator Scott Brown, Tom Foley, Janet Peckinpaugh and Ann Brickley Saturday October 9th 11:00 am - 12:00 pm at the Riverfront Community Center, 300 Welles Street, Glastonbury, CT. After the rally, Ann will be joining Senator Brown and Tom Foley at the Shady Glen in Manchester. Everyone is welcome!
TONIGHT: Linda in Plainville
Date: Friday, October 8, 2010, 10:08 AM
Team Linda:
Please help us spread the word that Linda will be at a meet-the-candidates event tonight at the Fairfield Marriott in Plainville. The event is open to the public at no cost. We hope to see you there.
What: Meet-the-Candidates Night
Who: You and Candidates for office, including U.S. Senate Candidate Linda McMahon
When: TONIGHT -- Friday, Oct. 8, from 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Where: Fairfield Marriott, 400 New Britain Avenue, Plainville, CT 06062
Come show your support for Linda!
Team Linda:
Please help us spread the word that Linda will be at a meet-the-candidates event tonight at the Fairfield Marriott in Plainville. The event is open to the public at no cost. We hope to see you there.
What: Meet-the-Candidates Night
Who: You and Candidates for office, including U.S. Senate Candidate Linda McMahon
When: TONIGHT -- Friday, Oct. 8, from 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Where: Fairfield Marriott, 400 New Britain Avenue, Plainville, CT 06062
Come show your support for Linda!
PAC Invite for Friday's Event
The Polish Americans of Connecticut PAC (of which I am a member) will be hosting a political forum tomorrow Friday, October 8 at the General Haller Post located at the corner of Grove and Broad Streets. The forum will begin at 7:00. You are all encouraged to come around 6:30 to meet with the LT Governor candidates Republican Mayor Mark Boughton and Democrat Comptroller Nancy Wyman.
Questions will be accepted from the public.
Light refreshments will be served. Entrance is on the Broad Street side near the parking lot.
Please come and support Mayor Boughton!
Mark Bernacki
Questions will be accepted from the public.
Light refreshments will be served. Entrance is on the Broad Street side near the parking lot.
Please come and support Mayor Boughton!
Mark Bernacki
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Senator DeFronzo and Henry Zembko faced off about their differences. Jim Sargent also faced Rep. Joseph Aresimowicz.
This debate was sponsored by the league of Women Voters of New Britain.
Sargent told the audience that improving our public schools was number one on his list. The Senator agreed with Aresimowiecz who acknowledged that while education is important, his number one priority was jobs.
No wonder the Senator agreed with this scenario since during a recent CPOA meeting, his budget co-chairman admitted to failing to furnish education monies to New Britain because other communities had greater problems than new Britain’s.
Yes, Senator, candidate Zembko was absolutely correct with his citing that professional politicians are the problem. Where were you when the funding, or the lack thereof, was meted out for the New Britain School System?
How did you vote on the surcharge on businesses calling for a 30% tax on profits forcing many companies to leave the state--including UTC after December 5th.? Were you part of the problem, as a professional politician?
Senator, rumors have it that if the right governor candidate makes it, you will be appointed to a commissionership in his administration. Are you running in order to make room for another liberal to fill your vacated seat?
School Vouchers have been a constant desire of the parents and again rumors have been circulated that you opposed the vouchers out of loyalty to the unions without being concerned what is best for the children involved.
Why do you continue to sacrifice the best interests of the children simply to satisfy the unions--whose huge campaign donations finance your re-election campaign? In my opinion, you are selling your votes to the highest bidder, and the children are the ones who are suffering as a result.
Senator DeFronzo and Henry Zembko faced off about their differences. Jim Sargent also faced Rep. Joseph Aresimowicz.
This debate was sponsored by the league of Women Voters of New Britain.
Sargent told the audience that improving our public schools was number one on his list. The Senator agreed with Aresimowiecz who acknowledged that while education is important, his number one priority was jobs.
No wonder the Senator agreed with this scenario since during a recent CPOA meeting, his budget co-chairman admitted to failing to furnish education monies to New Britain because other communities had greater problems than new Britain’s.
Yes, Senator, candidate Zembko was absolutely correct with his citing that professional politicians are the problem. Where were you when the funding, or the lack thereof, was meted out for the New Britain School System?
How did you vote on the surcharge on businesses calling for a 30% tax on profits forcing many companies to leave the state--including UTC after December 5th.? Were you part of the problem, as a professional politician?
Senator, rumors have it that if the right governor candidate makes it, you will be appointed to a commissionership in his administration. Are you running in order to make room for another liberal to fill your vacated seat?
School Vouchers have been a constant desire of the parents and again rumors have been circulated that you opposed the vouchers out of loyalty to the unions without being concerned what is best for the children involved.
Why do you continue to sacrifice the best interests of the children simply to satisfy the unions--whose huge campaign donations finance your re-election campaign? In my opinion, you are selling your votes to the highest bidder, and the children are the ones who are suffering as a result.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
Letter to the Editor by "THE CPOA ON EDUCATION"
Dear Editor;
Recently, there seems to be a lot of focus on education domestically. However, it’s become much more quiet in New Britain since the budget conflict earlier this year.
The Citizen’s Property Owners Association (CPOA) recently invited Board of Education President Sharon Beloin-Saavedra and Board Member Paul Carver to speak to us. Mr. Carver chairs the facilities and finance committee within the board.
President Beloin-Saavedra and Chairman Carver gave a great overview of the school system as requested by CPOA. A myriad of high-level snippets gave our members pertinent information backed by facts; not the messages broadcast by the union and other parties during the budget fray. Further, the confirmation that this year’s budget will be fairly transparent; being submitted in a line item format; allows for greater scrutiny by all.
Bottom line however, CPOA confirmed what we have known for some time. You can’t get blood from a stone. New Britain taxpayers are the stone. Approximately 62% of the city budget is for education.
The legislative delegation representing New Britain; as well as the government of the State of Connecticut has failed in returning adequate dollars and solutions for the funding of education. New Britain taxpayers, along with other large cities and towns are unfairly penalized by poor funding methodologies and reliance on the property tax system for funding of education.
If you look to Senator (Assistant President Pro Tempore) DeFronzo’s website he lists a sampling of his achievements; education and property tax reform are missing. If you look to Representative O’Brien’s website you see he is “an advocate for”. A review of Representative (Deputy Majority Leader) Tercyak’s website failed to find anything on property tax or education funding equality. The “legislation” link on Representative Geragosian’s (Chair, Appropriations Committee) website was non-functional.
All of these leaders hold positions of power within the legislature; yet have not delivered to us, the resident taxpayers, any quality solution for property tax equity or education funding.
President Beloin-Saavedra and Chairman Carver indicated to CPOA that funding for education next year will most likely be reduced by the state. Additionally, they pointed to more and more unfounded state mandates as a drain on what funding we may have.
The thinking behind the Sheff vs O’Neill lawsuit which was allegedly supposed to give equal education to disadvantaged residents apparently has not reached New Britain; as we as an urban community lack the proper funding. If you review the City of Hartford’s budget numbers you’ll see they are getting thousands of dollars more than New Britain does; per student! Communities such as Avon, Simsbury, and Greenwich do not have the issues we do. Perhaps we need to sue. Any law firms out there that want to represent New Britain pro bono?
Something must change quickly as we will find ourselves back at the tax table in March discussing the 2011-2012 city budget. Will the State step up? Not unless we have our legislative body represent our interests immediately; or we replace them this November because they can’t get the job done.
Let’s stop the run-around camouflage talk and get some action to protect New Britain taxpayers. Give New Britain children the education and opportunities they deserve.
Show us the money!
Michael W. Wanik
President, CPOA
New Britain
Recently, there seems to be a lot of focus on education domestically. However, it’s become much more quiet in New Britain since the budget conflict earlier this year.
The Citizen’s Property Owners Association (CPOA) recently invited Board of Education President Sharon Beloin-Saavedra and Board Member Paul Carver to speak to us. Mr. Carver chairs the facilities and finance committee within the board.
President Beloin-Saavedra and Chairman Carver gave a great overview of the school system as requested by CPOA. A myriad of high-level snippets gave our members pertinent information backed by facts; not the messages broadcast by the union and other parties during the budget fray. Further, the confirmation that this year’s budget will be fairly transparent; being submitted in a line item format; allows for greater scrutiny by all.
Bottom line however, CPOA confirmed what we have known for some time. You can’t get blood from a stone. New Britain taxpayers are the stone. Approximately 62% of the city budget is for education.
The legislative delegation representing New Britain; as well as the government of the State of Connecticut has failed in returning adequate dollars and solutions for the funding of education. New Britain taxpayers, along with other large cities and towns are unfairly penalized by poor funding methodologies and reliance on the property tax system for funding of education.
If you look to Senator (Assistant President Pro Tempore) DeFronzo’s website he lists a sampling of his achievements; education and property tax reform are missing. If you look to Representative O’Brien’s website you see he is “an advocate for”. A review of Representative (Deputy Majority Leader) Tercyak’s website failed to find anything on property tax or education funding equality. The “legislation” link on Representative Geragosian’s (Chair, Appropriations Committee) website was non-functional.
All of these leaders hold positions of power within the legislature; yet have not delivered to us, the resident taxpayers, any quality solution for property tax equity or education funding.
President Beloin-Saavedra and Chairman Carver indicated to CPOA that funding for education next year will most likely be reduced by the state. Additionally, they pointed to more and more unfounded state mandates as a drain on what funding we may have.
The thinking behind the Sheff vs O’Neill lawsuit which was allegedly supposed to give equal education to disadvantaged residents apparently has not reached New Britain; as we as an urban community lack the proper funding. If you review the City of Hartford’s budget numbers you’ll see they are getting thousands of dollars more than New Britain does; per student! Communities such as Avon, Simsbury, and Greenwich do not have the issues we do. Perhaps we need to sue. Any law firms out there that want to represent New Britain pro bono?
Something must change quickly as we will find ourselves back at the tax table in March discussing the 2011-2012 city budget. Will the State step up? Not unless we have our legislative body represent our interests immediately; or we replace them this November because they can’t get the job done.
Let’s stop the run-around camouflage talk and get some action to protect New Britain taxpayers. Give New Britain children the education and opportunities they deserve.
Show us the money!
Michael W. Wanik
President, CPOA
New Britain
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
Support Jeff Wright for State Treasurer
Dear Editor,
As mid-term elections are nearing, one office in particular is very important on your ballot. The office of State Treasurer is charged with ensuring effective financial management of public resources, ie: your tax dollars. Longtime incumbent Denise Nappier is being challenged by Jeff Wright, current mayor of Newington.
I had the opportunity to meet Ms. Nappier last year in New Britain and experience her position on tax dollar spending when she arrived in a state limousine complete with driver to spend a significant amount of time campaigning for Mayoral candidate Tim O’Brien while working on state time. She was not ashamed to work the crowd and explain who she is, mentioning her ads for “check CHET out” the state’s (failing) College 529 plan that she oversees.
Jeff Wright has served the community of Newington well, bringing businesses to Newington and maintaining fiscal balance in that town. Mr. Wright is the right choice for the office of State Treasurer. Regardless of your party affiliation, your vote for Treasurer counts.
Vote Jeff Wright, State Treasurer.
Sally Eigenraam
New Britain, CT
As mid-term elections are nearing, one office in particular is very important on your ballot. The office of State Treasurer is charged with ensuring effective financial management of public resources, ie: your tax dollars. Longtime incumbent Denise Nappier is being challenged by Jeff Wright, current mayor of Newington.
I had the opportunity to meet Ms. Nappier last year in New Britain and experience her position on tax dollar spending when she arrived in a state limousine complete with driver to spend a significant amount of time campaigning for Mayoral candidate Tim O’Brien while working on state time. She was not ashamed to work the crowd and explain who she is, mentioning her ads for “check CHET out” the state’s (failing) College 529 plan that she oversees.
Jeff Wright has served the community of Newington well, bringing businesses to Newington and maintaining fiscal balance in that town. Mr. Wright is the right choice for the office of State Treasurer. Regardless of your party affiliation, your vote for Treasurer counts.
Vote Jeff Wright, State Treasurer.
Sally Eigenraam
New Britain, CT
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